An ideal reference model for any basic representation. Management of the reference model. Organizational behavior: course of lectures

The architecture of the reference model includes two dimensions:

vibrating the process, which characterizes the results of the process, which are the essential goals of the process;

the world of possibility in the process, which characterizes a set of attributes of a process that will be established before any process and also vital characteristics that are necessary for managing the process and enhancing the possibility of its execution.

The standard model groups processes, for example, into three groups of life cycle processes, which represent five categories of process, depending on the type of activity, to which types of events.

Emerging processes of the life cycle develop from category of processes - postal manager - deputy and engineering.

Category of the process postal manager - deputy manager consists of processes that directly integrate the locker, develop support for the transition of the software to the locker, and transfer the correct functioning and correctness of the software product and/or services.

Category of the engineering process consists of processes that directly design, operate and support the software product, its installation in the system and documentation of the assistant (receptionist).

Supporting processes of the life cycle develop from category of the support process.

Organizational processes of the life cycle develop from category of management and organization processes.

Category of management process consists of processes that replace methods of a hidden nature that can be used in any type of project or process in the middle of the life cycle of software.

Category of the organization process consists of processes that establish a business - the goals of the organization and disaggregate (develop) the process, product and active resources, which, if supported by projects in the organization, will help the organization achieve business - goals.

Process categories provide a grouping of activity types. Skin process in the standard model of descriptions in terms of hardening of the substance. These principles include unique functional goals of the process that are confirmed in a particular environment. The hardening of the mark includes additional material, which means the outcome of the successful implementation of the process. The relevance of the process to the process represents the first phase of the molding process.

The reference model does not indicate how, or in what order, the elements of the process will likely be achieved. The goals of the process will be achieved in the organization through various activities of the lower level, established and methods that are followed to produce a working product. These data, procedures and methods, as well as the characteristics of the developed work products, are indicators that demonstrate what a particular process has achieved.

The development of the possibility of a process is characterized by the terms of the attributes of the process, grouped under the level of possibility. Attributes to a process are signs of a process that can be assessed on a scale of achievement, providing a level of feasibility to the process. Attributes are stagnant until all processes. The process attribute describes the aspect of increased control and increased efficiency of the process in achieving its goals and aligns with the business goals of the organization.

The level of ability is characterized by a set of attributes that work together. Skin rhubarb will provide increased flexibility during the process. p align="justify"> Rivne to establish a rational way of development through streamlining the feasibility of any process.

There are six levels of capability in the reference model.

Riven 0: Incompletes. There is a serious failure in the process that has already been achieved. It is not easy to identify work products or enter the process.

Riven 1: Vikonuvaniy. Meta process zagalom reached. Achievement is impossible to plan and follow. The organization's personnel are aware that the process can be completed, and it is good that this process is completed as and when required. There are strong working products in the process, and the smell is evident from the rustiness of the brush.

Riven 2: Kerovaniy. The process generates work products based on previous procedures and is planned to be further developed. Work products meet specific standards and performance requirements. Main activity Vikonuvanogo Rivnya The fact is that during the process, work products are now being generated that will require input within the required time frame and the available resource.

Riven 3: Installed. The process is finalized and managed, vikorista and the singing process, based on good ambushes of software security engineering. Individual implementation of the process will include documents, approval, and approval of versions of the standard within the reach of the entire process. The resources necessary for the installation process are also at home. Main activity Kerovany Rivnya the one who has the process Established level Vikorist's singing process, designed to reach its outputs.

Riven 4: Before training. The singing process, practically, consistently follows between the necessary boundaries and achieves the desired goals. Detailed entries into the collection and analysis process. This leads to a very clear understanding of the feasibility of the process and the reduced cost of transferring the Viconn. The process is objectively monitored. The content of the working products is only visible at home. Main activity Established level in that the singing process now proceeds consistently in the middle of the singing boundaries in order to reach its song outputs.

Riven 5: Optimizing. The process is optimized to meet current and future business needs. The process can be repeated when specific business goals are achieved. The effectiveness of the process prior to installation is based on the business goals of the organization. An uninterrupted process that controls this goal allows for the removal of a large turn-off, and a thorough analysis of the results. Main activity Peredbachuvanogo Rivnya the fact that the songs and standard processes are now dynamically changing and adapting in order to effectively achieve current and future business goals.

Consequently, the reference model cannot be considered as a basis for making reliable and fair assessments of process feasibility, as the level of detail is insufficient. The description of the process and attributes of feasibility in the reference model must be supported by a comprehensive set of indicators of the process of feasibility. In this way, a non-super-judgmental rating of the feasibility of the process will be possible.

Vimiryuvannya to the process

This article provides a classification of processes adopted in organizations that are engaged in the development, operation, addition, installation and support of the functioning of software. The classification recognizes five categories of processes to classify all processes. The categories and their processes can be aligned with those processes assigned to the project standard ISO/MEC 12207, Information technology - Life cycle of the PP process, which we reviewed in Section 2.

As stated above, in the standard model the processes are grouped into three groups and five categories of processes:

cob processes of the life cycle include categories of engineering process and postal manager - deputy manager;

supporting processes of the life cycle include categories for the support process;

organizational processes of the life cycle include categories of management and organization processes.

Individual processes are described in terms of six components.

Process identifier. Identifies the category and the last number in the middle of that category. The numbering scheme varies between processes of the upper tier and processes of the other tier. The identifier consists of two parts: the abbreviated category (for example, ENG for the engineering process category) and the number (for example, CUS. 1 means the Appropriation Process and CUS. 1.2 means the process of another level, the Postal Contractor Selection Process, which Let's put the (component) process into the Pridbannya process ).

I'm in the process. Describes the phrase that sees the importance of power in the process (for example, Vibir Postachalnik).

Process type.Є 3 types of processes of the upper level (basic, extensions, new) and 2 processes of another level (component, extensions), which may be updated to ISO/IEC 12207 processes. New processes are additional to those defined in ISO/ MEK 12207. process Identical to the established ISO/MEK 12207 processes. Process extensions will be added to the original ISO/MEK 12207 process. Component processes group one or more actions ISO/MEK 12207 the same process. Extended component processes group one or more actions of ISO/IEC 12207 from the same process and include additional material.

The purpose of the process. Material that indicates the meta process, which establishes the hidden goals of the process at the top level. Non-viscous additive material may contain inclusions to ensure hardening of the mark.

Results of the process. List of descriptions of the results of the process.

Notes on the process. A non-binding list of informative notes before the process of setting up other processes.

For example, we will introduce a number of processes from the skin category to the process.

CUS.1 Pridbannya process

Basic process

Purpose The process is coming aims to produce a product and/or service that satisfies the need expressed by the manager (client). The process begins with the measurement of the demand of the manager and the necessary results from the acceptance of the product and/or service required by the manager. As a result of successful implementation of the process:

If the contract is broken up, which is clearly determined by the agreement, the obligations and obligations of both the deputy and the postal manager;

The product and/or service will be selected to satisfy the established needs of the deputy;

The apparel will be verified in such a manner that the songs of exchange, for example, varity, plan and vigor will be viconan.

CUS.1.1 Bathroom preparation process

Component process CUS.1 – Pridbannya process

Purpose Preparation process for the bath It is intended to establish the needs and purposes of the bath. As a result of successful implementation of the process:

There will be established a need for the equipment, development and expanded systems, software product and software development process;

Systemic benefits will be formulated;

The approach strategy will be divided;

The appropriate criteria will be determined.

ENG.1 Breakdown process

Basic process

Purpose development process The aim is to transform the existing set into a functional software product or software system that satisfies the established needs of the manager. As a result of successful implementation of the process:

There will be a software product or software system;

There will be subdivisions of intermediate work products, which show that the final virus is grounded on similar platforms;

A discrepancy between the benefits of software security and software security projects will be established;

These tests show that the end product improves benefits;

The terminal product will be installed in the whole middle and accepted by the representatives.

NOTE: Usage can be ensured during the installation process (CUS. 1) or during the installation process (CUS. 3).

ENG.1.1 Process of Development and Analysis of Systemic Vimogs

Component process ENG.1 – Cutting process

The process of development and analysis of system systems is aimed at establishing system capabilities (functional and non-functional) and architecture, identifying which system capabilities can be divided into various elements of the system and how 2nd version. As a result of successful implementation of the process:

System capabilities will be broken down, which corresponds to the established needs of the deputy;

Solutions will be presented that identify the main elements of the system;

The benefits will be distributed to the skin from the main elements of the system;

The version strategy will be broken down, which means priority for the removal of system benefits;

The system will be repaired and modified as necessary;

If any decisions are made, their communications will be communicated to all interested parties.

SUP.1 Documentation process

Expansion process

Purpose Processes for obtaining documentation The goal is to develop and maintain documents that record the information generated by the process. As a result of successful implementation of the process:

A strategy will be developed that identifies the documents that will be produced throughout the life cycle of the software product;

Standards will be established, to the extent that they may be punished for the release of documents;

All documents that will be generated by the process or project will be identified;

All documents will be expanded and updated according to current standards;

All documents will be subject to the above criteria.

NOTE - the process supports the attribute of the process 2.2 in the butts, de vin introductions.

MAN.1.1 Project management process

Component process MAN.1 – process control

Purpose Project management process This involves identifying, installing, coordinating and controlling the activities, resources and resources necessary for the project to create a product and/or provide services to our customers. As a result of successful implementation of the process:

The area of ​​work for the project will be assigned;

The achievement of the project's goals with available resources and limitations will be assessed;

The supply and resources necessary to complete the work will be identified and assessed;

Interfaces between project elements and other projects and organizational modules will be identified and verified;

Plans for the project will be fragmented and finalized;

Review and update the progress of the project;

Actions to improve consistency with the plan and promote recurrent resolution of problems identified in the project will be taken if the project does not achieve it.

NOTE - This process is supported by the attribute to process 2.1 in the examples, de vin introductions.

ORG.2 Process Refinement

Basic process

The Refinement Process is a process for installing, evaluating, modifying, managing and shortening the life cycle of software security. As a result of the successful implementation of this process:

The set of organizational assets in the process will be fragmented and made accessible;

The feasibility of the organization process will be periodically assessed to determine the extent to which the implementation of the process is effective in achieving the organization's goals;

Vibration of Possibility

The feasibility scale of the reference model defines a scale of feasibility by assessing the feasibility of a process. The feasibility of the process is indicated on six points of an ordinal scale, which allows one to evaluate the feasibility of the lower part of the scale, the unfinished level, to the upper end of the scale, which optimizes the level. The scale indicates an increase in the feasibility of the completed process in terms of efficiency, which is not achieved until the achievement of the latest results, even before the efficiency is achieved until the achievement of business information and support for the continuous improvement of the process. Furthermore, the scale indicates a clear reduction route for each individual skin process.

In the middle of the model of possibility, the world of possibility is based on a set of nine process attributes (AP) (div. table 4.1). The attributes of the process are analyzed in order to indicate whether this feasibility has been achieved. The skin attribute is a specific aspect of the process. Attributes are independently measured in a scale of hundreds and, therefore, provide a comprehensive understanding of the specific aspects of the feasibility of the process, which is necessary to encourage the process to be more possi- ble.

For example, let’s look at one of the attributes of the third level of feasibility.

AP 3.1 Attribute assigned to the process

Since then, the process has been carried out as a re-created copy of the standard process. The standard process corresponds to the basic business goals of the organization. The redesign is designed to suit the specific purposes of the instance of the process. As a result of the permanently accessible attribute:

Documentation of the process, together with the appropriate care for the provision of standard documentation for the process, will be determined to ensure the normal scope of the process and its functional and non-functional capabilities to the working product;

This process is carried out in accordance with the prepared and/or completed standard documentation for the process;

Historical data on the ancient process will be collected, firstly, in order to establish and fully understand the rational behavior of the process, and secondly, in order to evaluate the resource consumption of the ancient process;

The documentation process will continue to be updated to improve the standard process.

Table 4.1.



Riven 1

Viconovany process

AP 1.1

Process attribute

Riven 2

Kerovaniy process

AP 2.1

Attribute of Keruvanny Vikonanny

AP 2.2

Attribute keruvannya work product

Riven 3

Installation process

AP 3.1

Attribute of significance and transformation of the process

AP 3.2

Process resource attribute

Riven 4

Pre-graduation process

AP 4.1

Process attribute

AP 4.2

Process control attribute

Riven 5

Optimizing process

AP 5.1

Change (verification) attribute of the process

AP 5.2

Attribute of possibility of further reduction

The attribute to a process represents a virtual characteristic of a process as it is designated by something else.

N Out of reach:

0% – 15% – little or no confirmation of the singing attribute.

P Partial reach:

16% - 50% - confirmation of a reliable systematic method of achieving a singing attribute. These aspects of reach may not be transferable.

L Significant world of achievements:

51% - 85% - є confirmation of a reliable systematic method to significant achievement of the singing attribute. The process may change in certain areas.

F Full reach:

86% - 100% - confirmation of a complete and systematic method to fully achieve the singing attribute. There are no significant shortcomings between the vocal part of the organization.

Each attribute of the process, evaluations of any part of the organization, including the highest level of feasibility, values ​​​​in the sphere of evaluation, may benefit from the rating, which is the vicoristic scale for the attribute that is most important. Setting ratings on a process attribute forms a profile for that process. The evaluation output includes a set of profiles for all evaluation processes.

The identifier who is being victorious must provide objective confirmation of the vikorist in order to determine the rating that is being victorious. Ratings can be presented in any format, such as a matrix or as part of a database, in order to allow the identification of individual ratings in accordance with these sending schemes.

The level of feasibility achieved by a process is subject to derogation from the rating attribute for that process according to the model of the level of feasibility of the process defined in Table 4.2. The purpose of this is to ensure that the value is constant as long as the power of the process is applied to the process.

Below is a table containing a list of processes included in the reference model (Table 4.3) and the type of processes in the reference model and processes defined in the project according to ISO/IEC 12 207 (Table 4.4).

Table 4.2


Process attributes


Riven 1

Vikonannya process

Mostly or I will add

Riven 2

Vikonannya process

Governance of the Vikonanny

Work product management

I will cover

Mostly or I will add

Mostly or I will add

Riven 3

Vikonannya process

Governance of the Vikonanny

Work product management

Process resource

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

Mostly or I will add

Mostly or I will add

Riven 4

Vikonannya process

Governance of the Vikonanny

Work product management

Significance and transformation of the process

Process resource

Vimiryuvannya to the process

Process control

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

Mostly or I will add

Mostly or I will add

Riven 5

Vikonannya process

Governance of the Vikonanny

Work product management

Significance and transformation of the process

Process resource

Vimiryuvannya to the process

Process control

Change in process

Possibility of further reduction

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

I will cover

Mostly or I will add

Mostly or I will add

Table 4.3.






Pridbannya (basic)

Bathroom preparation (component)

Vibir postalnik (component)

Checking the postal carrier (component)

Deputy's praise (component)

Support (basic)

Vimog installed (new)

Functionality (extensions)

Functional development (component extensions)

Koristuvach support (component extensions)

Rozrobka (basic)

Analysis and development of system components (components)

Analysis using PZ (component)

Rozrobka PZ (component)

Design of the PZ (component)

Integration of software (component)

Testing PZ (component)

System testing and integration (component)

Operation of the system and PZ (basic)

Supporting processes of the life cycle

Documentation (extensions)

Configuration management (basic)

Quality guarantee (basic)

Verification (basic)

Correctness check (basic)

Spіlny view (basic)

Verification (basic)

Version of problems (basic)

Vimiryuvannya (new)

Repeatedly vikoristannya (new)

Management (basic)

Project management (component)

Brightness control (new)

Risik management (new)

Organizational verification (new)

Refinement process (basic)

Creation of the process (component)

Process evaluation (component)

Improved process (component)

Human resource management (expansion)

Infrastructure (basic)

Table 4.4.

Dii and processes 12207

Processes 15504

Emerging processes of the life cycle

Pridbannya process

Pridbannya process



Bathroom preparation process


Preparation of Application for proposal [-application for post]

The process of selecting a postal owner


Preparation of the contract and adjustment

The process of selecting a postal owner


Checking the postal owner

Postalist verification process


I'm glad it's complete

The process of approving a deputy


The process of postacquisition

The process of postacquisition



The process of postacquisition


Preparing the video

The process of postacquisition



The process of postacquisition



The process of postacquisition


Vikonannya and management

The process of postacquisition


Review and assessment

The process of postacquisition


Post-production and completion

The process of postacquisition


Installation process vimog

The process of unbreaking

The process of unbreaking


Implementation of the process

The process of unbreaking


Analysis of system benefits


System architecture overview

The process of discovery and analysis of systemic benefits


Analysis using PZ

The process of analyzing software benefits


Development of the architecture of the PZ

Process of PP development


Working draft PP

Process of PP development


Code and test PZ

PZ design process


Integration of software

PP integration process


Testing of qualifications of PZ

PP testing process


System integration


Testing of qualification system

System testing and integration process


Installation of PZ

The process of postacquisition


Program support

The process of postacquisition


Operation process


Implementation of the process

Functional search process

component expanded

Functional testing

Functional search process

component expanded

System operation

Functional search process

component expanded

Support from the Koristuvach

The process of supporting a koristuvach

component expanded

Operation process


Implementation of the process

The process of operating the PZ and system


Problem analysis and modification

The process of operating the PZ and system


Implementation of modification

The process of operating the PZ and system


Put into operation

The process of operating the PZ and system



The process of operating the PZ and system


Disposal of PZ

The process of operating the PZ and system


Additional processes of the life cycle

Documentation process

Documentation process


Implementation of the process

Documentation process


Rozrobka and rozvitok

Documentation process



Documentation process



Documentation process


Configuration management process


Implementation of the process

Configuration management process


Configuration identification

Configuration management process


Configuration control

Configuration management process


View of the configuration status

Configuration management process


Configuration assessment

Configuration management process


Output and supply management

Configuration management process


Quality guarantee process

Quality guarantee process


Implementation of the process

Quality guarantee process


Product warranty

Quality guarantee process


Process guarantee

Quality guarantee process


Quality guarantee systems

Quality guarantee process


Verification process

Verification process


Implementation of the process

Verification process



Verification process


Reliability verification process


Implementation of the process

Reliability verification process


Reliability check

Reliability verification process


The process of sleep inspection

The process of sleep inspection


Implementation of the process

The process of sleep inspection


Take a look at project management

The process of sleep inspection


Technical reviews

The process of sleep inspection


Verification process

Verification process


Implementation of the process

Verification process


Verification process


The process of solving problems

The process of solving problems


Implementation of the process

The process of solving problems


A list of problems

The process of solving problems


Vimiru process

Re-Vikoristannya Process

Organizational processes of the life cycle

Management process

Management process


Initialization and designated area

Project management process



Project management process


Vikonannya and control

Project management process


Review and assessment

Project management process



Project management process


Brightness control process

Risk management process

The process of organizational verification

Infrastructure process

Infrastructure process


Implementation of the process

Infrastructure process


Creation of infrastructure

Infrastructure process


Infrastructure operation

Infrastructure process


Refinement process

Refinement process


Creation of the process

The process of creation


Evaluation of the process

Process evaluation process


Streamlining the process

Refinement process


Preparation for the process


Implementation of the process

Human resource management process


Preparation of sutta analysis

Human resource management process


Preparation for implementation of the plan

Human resource management process

Abstract: The foundations of the process approach to IT management are laid out, the basis of which is the concept of Lanzug given by M. Porter. The management of IT should be established in accordance with the rules of best practices. The role of standards in IT industry is discussed.

Sensory lanyard of added value - between the main and auxiliary groups of business processes of the organization. The main groups of processes contribute to the quality of the business-generated product and services, but not to any additional ones. As can be seen from Fig. 1.1 the group of processes “IT Management” is related to additional groups of processes such as “HR Management” or “Finance Management” (not all of the additional groups are shown, of course).

Naturally, there are such types of activities where IT management is an integral part of business and can, with sufficient support, be transferred to the main groups of processes. For example, online services play an important role in businesses: local banks, online stores or trading platforms on the Internet. Importantly important information technologies for telecom operators, or, say, global navigation service providers, not to mention companies operating in the IT sector. In such companies, IT management processes (for example, providing clients with access to the company’s information resources) become part of the company’s main business process, and additional groups of IT management processes will be and become involved, for example, in the implementation of internal automation projects or in the interaction of corporate back-office information systems from a group of technical support.

There are no problems if the IT management of the company is handled by a single IT organization, but this situation may arise if IT management decentralized. This, of course, is the case with large geographically dispersed companies that want to deal with the situation, as one company has a strong role as an IT organization. Process approach Before IT management, it has the advantage that it allows you to grasp the responsibilities of the structures and organizational forms in which IT management activities take place, focusing on the main thing - the results and effectiveness of the process. ity. From a practical point of view, this means that the culprits are the organization of “end-to-end” IT management processes, which involve the participation of specialists in a number of business units that are engaged in IT management. As evidence shows, it is important to remember that it will not be possible to lie for a long time. Organizational cordons often appear as real barriers to the destruction of information in processes. To fix the problem, introduce an understanding of the Vlasnik process. Vlasnik process bears full responsibility for effectiveness, efficiency and reduction of the process. The important role of IT management processes in the organizational structure of a company is one of the difficult management tasks that must be carried out during the implementation of processes.

In addition to the help of the zagal lantsyuzhka, the added vartosti shown in Fig. 1.1 create a harness for an IT organization, as shown in Fig. 1.2. Here are additional groups of processes that are shown in white, and in an IT organization there are separate business processes, and other groups of additional processes are specific to IT management itself. The main groups of processes themselves become of interest to us.

The main groups of processes in Fig. 1.2 demonstrate a current view of the activities of the IT organization, implementing the remaining fates. This is because this activity is perceived as rendering services to business.

I will not clarify yet what is required for respect under the service. Intuitively, the service of an IT organization is the provision of an information resource for enhanced business objectives. An information resource can be, for example, a software system or a program, data transfer time or the human resource is seen as an IT-fakhivtsa. One thing is important: this view of IT management is based on the end and apparently stable flow of services that contribute to the business, and the IT organization bears full responsibility for them implementation.

Once such a view is consistently followed, the structure of the main and additional groups of processes in the IT organization becomes clearer.

The main groups of processes are related to planning, creation, implementation, support and development of services. The processes of these groups include close cooperation with money managers and traders who operate in the main business of the company.

Additional groups of processes are related to developments, supported by the development of information resources (not all such groups are shown in Fig. 1.2). Examples can include groups of processes for managing IT infrastructure, processes for creating and maintaining add-ons (they are usually called processes for managing the life cycle of information systems), processes for starting accounts, and also groups of processes that are carried out by the timely acquired information resources that fall to subcontractors, postal workers and outsourcers.

Varto sees a group of strategic planning processes, which means a long-term policy for the development of services and related information resources. This policy may be related to corporate business strategy and business goals. As a result of these ongoing processes, plans are formed for the development of services of the IT organization, which correspond to plans for business development, and from them plans for the development of information resources.

Further in this book we will talk about activities to improve the efficiency of the IT organization, so as to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the main and additional IT management processes. This activity, in its own way, can be viewed as a group of processes related to the management of a specific information resource – known processes of an IT organization. In Fig. 1.2 is called “Enhancement of IT management processes and organization.”

How can you improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the main and additional IT management processes?

There is obviously no universal algorithm or ready-made recipe for all types of life. It is no less possible to establish reasonable practical approaches to the highest level of knowledge, techniques, adoption and tools, development and testing during the founding of IT organizations around the world.

One of the widespread improvements lies in the introduction of “short management practices” into management practice. From the point of view of the process approach to IT management, the latest practices follow the reference process models created as a result of the institutionalized light source. Reference models are the mainstay of the form of international standards, which are developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 3 International Organization for Standardization; about the walk, call it ISO div. and other authoritative international and national organizations. It is important to understand that the standard process model It is not an ideal symbol for inheritance, which is constant in all phases of life, but represents, rather than average, evidence that knowledge of professional training may also appear in the hour of increased advancement. the effectiveness of IT management in a particular organization.

Standard models that can be used to enhance IT management processes are discussed in lectures 3-5 (“Process standards. GOST R ISO/MEK 12” Process standards. GOST R ISO/MEK 12207”, “Process standards GOST R ISO/MEK 12207 "Introduction of GOST R ISO/IEC 12207", "Design of processes. IEEE Standard 1074" Designed bathroom processes IEEE standard 1074", "Development of the life cycle process model. GOST R ISO/IEC 15288" Development of the life cycle process model. GOST R ISO/MEK 15288 ").

Standard process models exist, for example, for such groups of processes as life cycle management of information systems, almost all groups of main processes, management of suppliers and subcontractors. At the same time, for groups of strategic management processes and the selection of a subcontractor, there are no number of well-established standard models (more precisely, it is not known about the foundation).

To understand the standard models of processes and their interconnections (sometimes complex and non-obvious), it is useful to call the so-called Body of Knowledge, or methodological guides, where collected and presented in a structured view of the description of the task, understand, These are the processes that may lead to a relationship to this and other areas of activity. Before IT management, the most important methodological guide is SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge).

Let's finish the great corpus of methodological textbooks in 4 English. framework, which accumulates practical evidence for the development of management departments (applications may include COBIT, Val IT, Risk IT). They may be involved in the implementation of processes such as strategic management, investment management and IT-related risks.

More complex methods for improving IT management processes are discussed in lectures 7-9 (“Maturity of project organizations. CMM Methodology.” Maturity of project organizations. CMM Methodology,” “Practically similar to CMM. SPICE project "More practical than CMM. Conceptual model of CMMI Conceptual model CMMI").

The problem of reducing the main processes of an IT organization that interacts with the business processes of an enterprise is discussed in various aspects in lectures 10-13 (“IT service management processes and the ITIL library” IT service management processes and ITIL library "," "Library Itil, the nadanist of the “strategist of the nadanni is the OSH”, “ITIL PRODUCTION”

This is all about the processes of IT organization within one company. In fact, an IT organization, as a rule, interacts with low external counterparties. An example of the interactions between IT organizations and external stakeholders in the market for indications in Fig. 1.3. The participation of external counterparties in the processes of IT organization gives rise to a structure that is called, by analogy with the lancet of the added value, or the added value of 5 English. Value Network. Small stock 1.3 shows only one level of measurement: IT organization – counterparty. In practice, these levels can be quite profitable; each counterparty has its own counterparties.

The measure of the given value demonstrates the importance for the IT organization of transaction processes in mutual relations with counterparties. For this reason, a variety of reference process models include processes for managing suppliers and subcontractors. Please note that when IT management processes are enhanced, an IT organization can become involved in the development of the IT market, so they can also become involved in the development of independent entities in the IT market to increase efficiency. Their processes. In this process of managing the life cycle of the IS, which is additional for an IT organization, it is included in the main ones for the company - the developer or the software provider. The processes of supplying services to an IT organization are of the same nature as the processes of supplying services as external employees are involved in. Additional for the IT organization group, strategic IT planning processes are also fundamental for consulting companies that provide professional services in the field of IT management. Between the same company, subtle issues may arise due to the subordinate role of processes. The butt may be a situation if there are different copies of the process 6 An example of a process is the implementation of a process in a specific medium, for example, in a song project or at the time of development of a specific task. be used for different purposes and in different contexts. For example, different instances of a single project management process can be created during the management of external and internal projects of the company. For the purposes of further consideration of the importance of the role, the processes are not network-based, therefore, the processes below are not divided into the main ones and are called simply IT management processes.

The application of a process approach to describing the interaction of an IT organization with outsourcers is discussed in the final lecture (“Outsourcing of IT management processes” Outsourcing of IT management processes Necessities). It’s time to wash your face, so outsourcing has started and IT outsourcing of zocrema is even more complex and rich in understanding, not I am still fully aware of current management theory. I am considering taking a big step into IT outsourcing to demonstrate the practical benefits that can be brought. process approach when organizing outsourcing cooperation

As was previously the case, one of the well-known standard models of IT management processes is the standard in the field of information technology. Regardless of those who have a great duty to complete, in my opinion, basic standards, it is necessary to get to know what kind of management in the IT sphere. They let us talk about them ourselves. I suspect that, having grown up with these standards, the reader will be able to independently delve into the subject of the table, to the extent that you need it.

I do not put myself at the expense of standards (as well as other methods discussed above), because some of the ideas and methods introduced there are inevitably different (and the choice of standards itself is inevitably subjective). It was important to show that between different standard models, processes and techniques, fragmented at different times and for different purposes, there are deep, although not always obvious, connections. They show how, from numerous tests of understanding and formalization of specific information about IT management, the foundations of the future theory emerge.

Short pouches

The lecture contains vicoristics process approach before analyzing the activities of IT organizations and IT companies. Presentation of the lanyards and measures of the added value of an IT organization. The goal of improving IT management processes has been set. The role of process standards in establishing standard models of processes is examined.


  1. What is this lantsyuzhok dodanoi vartosti? What does a transparent lanyard look like for an IT organization?
  2. What is the difference between the main and additional processes? What can be the main and secondary process at the same time?
  3. What is the measure of added value?
  4. What is the role of IT standards in managed IT?

The first statement about professionography is similar to that of other professions and gives it a structural place. In the description of professions by professionals, which include the following divisions - a fundamental characteristic of the profession, its meaning; description of the labor process, design of work; benefits of the profession up to the individual; think about it; necessary knowledge; necessary knowledge and skills; where it is possible to develop a specialty; economical minds

This is a professional method of training the specialness and activity of a daily teacher.

Professionogram is an ideal model of a teacher, a teacher, a class teacher, a teacher, a teacher, a model, in any way:

The main reasons for the peculiarities of which the mother is guilty;

Knowledge, memory, skills to mastery of the functions of a teacher.

Based on this reasonable concept of “professionalism”, we can talk about the professional method of teaching specialties, in which there is an equalization of the teacher’s knowledge, including beginners, which could be clearly ideal model. It is not important to realize that this method allows for the specific and professional development of a teacher.

At the same time, about the teacher's professional profile - a document that has been given a full qualification characteristic of a teacher with a position that is relevant for his knowledge, intelligence and skills, for his specialties, aptitudes, psychophysiological abilities and time of preparation.

Such a phenomenon about professionography has developed over the past decade. So, we can talk about the professionogram of a classy kerivnik, composed by N.I. Boldirevim.

N.I. Boldirev saw the priority characteristics of a high-class ceramicist: idealism, moral and colossal maturity, dedicated activity, passion for the profession of education, love for children, humaneness, greater emphasis on them, the ability to reach oneself and academics, communication skills, friendship among people, psychological intelligence lies with Other members of the teaching team and others necessary for the ideal specialist.

To demonstrate the great diversity of functions, the reader, to the thought of N.I. Boldireva, the following notes are necessary:

establish business communications with the school administration, with the fathers, with the community (in this case, according to current phenomena, close to communicative);

Information and skills;

express your thoughts clearly, expressively, and logically (according to today’s manifestations, they are didactic and logical);

to transfer, get to yourself, become your henchman (according to today’s manifestations - didactic, communicative).

To implement these goals, you must create a high emotional state, ensure business life, etc.

The role of N.I. is no less important. Boldirev introduced certain features that, in addition to the priority ones, would not be good for the teacher (the class master): tact, display, self-control, discretion, generosity, gracefulness, firmness, consistency in words and Iah, neatness, outwardness.

It is important for a classy quarry maker to know the basics of the theory and technique of crafting, note:

to work with the fathers (humility); plan the vikhovna robot;

select, based on the diagnostics of teams (groups), in addition to necessary types of activity;

correctly interpret and evaluate the results of the examination; identify and organize assets;

exercise control and help with the viconn’s darling.

To develop complex and varied functions, it would be good for the teacher to focus on applied creative artistic activities:

paint (image-creative);

play musical instruments, sing (musical); read effectively (art and literature); dance (choreographic);

go hiking (sports-tourist or sports-work).

A. S. Makarenko, in the opening speech to “Books for Fathers,” wrote: “It’s still a mysticism to play well, just like being good at playing a violin or piano, being good at painting, being a good miller or turner.”

If we go by the functional principle, then we can override the functions of the teacher. Thus, one of the first (1971) saw the main function of the teacher in the school of A.I. Shcherbakov, N. A. Rikov. They should have the following classification of the functions of the teacher:

Information (the reader transmits this and other information);

Developing (developing the mind, understanding, and other minds, language, etc.);

orientation (orientation towards different types of information, moral values);

mobilization (mobilizes the right, task, right);

constructing (constructing a lesson, classwork, various tasks, independent robots, spilkuvaniya and much more);

communicative (function of communication with fathers, other teachers, administration, psychologists, valueologists, etc.);

organization (organizes students, other teachers, fathers, yourself, as well as organizes lessons, class reports, how to conduct);

doslednitska (able to track the characteristics of a particularity, a group of students - a team, and the history and evolution of students, etc.).

The mystery of the remaining function, in our opinion, allows us to talk about the functions of not only a teacher, but a teacher - a word with a broad meaning.

In the assistants of pedagogy of the past, the authors see the functions of a teacher, a class maker:

organization (organizes all high-level inflows and interactions among teams, including in the form of high-level information - excursions, trips, assemblies, class year, questionnaires, etc.);

vikhovna (inherited by various paths and ways there is a formation, formation and development of individuality, the power of the iduality);

stimulating (as a result of which there is a stimulating activity of students, teaching staff, fathers, the general public, etc.);

coordination (which involves the coordination of activities of both children, if necessary, and teachers who work in the same class, parallels, and there may also be connections between with external light, since the lighting installation can be seen as if the system is open;

work with documents (magazines, student records, their special documents, various plans).

There are plenty of functions that readers, teachers, and kernels can choose from. What kind of knowledge and memory of the stench is responsible for whose mother? Statements about memory and skills, such as guilty mothers and readers, and classroom teachers, make it clear to professors, take a closer look at us. However, just knowing what was said earlier is not enough. As psychologists believe, there is a lot to be found in natural changes of mind, the inclinations of specialness (which can develop in other abilities), the psychological readiness of specialness, and its desire to better understand this function. tsії. Much of what is going on, is going on and on, not as a result of hard work on oneself; The main thing for self-government is patience and control over one’s behavior.

Psychologist V. A. Krutetsky in his assistant “Psychology” demonstrates the structure of professionally significant features and characteristics that are necessary for the teacher. The professionally significant aspects of the characteristics of the reader of V. A. Krutetsky can be represented as a combination of four blocks (parts and substructures) (1. Light of the individual; 2. Positive approach to pedagogical activity; 3. and usefulness; 4. Professional and pedagogical knowledge, knowledge and skills), then it is impossible to give full information about the benefits that are available to the profession of a teacher and other teaching professions.

Let's take a look at these blocks of professional significance and the special features of the reader in the report.

1st block. A humanistic light-gazer (I am talking about those reconnations, the ideals that are attached to the teacher-vikhovatel; the vikhov is more than the one who himself is vihokhov; it is important that the vikhovatel has a high level of foreign culture and a high moral image, and the head is a loving one our people).

2nd block. Positive approach to pedagogical activity (we are talking about pedagogical directness of specialness, pedagogical skill as a steadfastness and devotion to dedicate to pedagogical activity; you cannot be a good teacher of the one who will be put before their robots; children mercilessly tell these readers that they don’t love them or don’t love pedagogical activity with passion).

3rd block. Pedagogical strengths (based on natural ideas, the merits of great minds are realized in professional and pedagogical knowledge, intelligence, skills, and otherwise seemingly pedagogical advantages) - this The totality of individual psychological features and professionally significant features of the features that represent In order to ensure the achievement of high results in pedagogical activity, the teacher’s success is the key to his activity (report in Chapter 1).

4th block. Professional and pedagogical knowledge, intelligence, skills (this is about knowledge in the field of the subject that is being presented, and technology mastery).

V. A. Sukhomlinsky remembers many signs of pedagogical culture. You can write your thoughts this way. It is necessary: ​​1) for the teacher to have academic knowledge, so that the student can develop his mind and heart; 2) for the teacher to read literature (pedagogical, psychological, journalistic, etc.); 3) so that the teacher knows the wealth of teaching methods; 4) Volodya’s cultural culture.

Well, the teachers respect that they have good thoughts in order to become a teacher.

Classification of models

The problem of classifying models, whether they involve complex objects or processes, is complex and rich. The objective reason for this is that the investigator can only emphasize one power (many powers) of the system (object, process, phenomenon), for which the model is created. Therefore, the classification can be based on a number of different classification features: method of description, functional significance, level of detail, structural power, sphere of stagnation, etc.

Let's take a look at the most commonly used classes (types) of models (Table 1.4.1).

Table 1.4.1

Classification mark See the models
Substantiality of the model - material (physical) - ideal (manifest) - informational (theoretical, abstract)
Characteristics of the modeling object - model of the external view; - structure model; - behavioral model.
Stage of formalization - informal - partly formalized - formalized
Model assignment - Doslidnytsky: . descriptors. cognitive conceptually. formal - basic - robotics: . optimization managerial
Role in object-controlled modeling - registering - standard - predictive - imitating - optimization
Official of the hour - Static - dynamic

Material(Physical, real) models - models generated by the properties of material light to display objects and processes.

Ideal(Explicit) models are models generated by design methods based on our knowledge.

Information(Abstract, theoretical) models – models inspired by one system (sign systems) for encoding information.

Material models These are real speech constructions that serve to replace the original song. The main advantage of this class of models is the visible similarity (similarity, analogy) between the model and the original. There are several types of similarities - geometric, physical, analogy, etc.

Geometric similarity It is mainly used to create geometric models, which are an object geometrically similar to its prototype and serve for demonstration purposes. The two geometric figures are similar, as the relationship between all types of clothes and dresses is the same. Since the important factor of similarity is scale, then simply multiplying the dimensions of one figure by the size of the scale determines the dimensions of another figure. In general terms, such a model demonstrates the principle of action, the mutual expansion of parts, the process of folding and disassembling, composing an object and is intended for the development of powers that are invariant (independent) from the absolute values ​​of the linear dimensions of the Ekta. Examples of geometric models include: car models, mannequins, sculptures, prosthetics, globes, etc. The stench represents a prototype over all the different aspects of power, over some clear boundaries, and over purely spacious boundaries. Here there is a place of similarity (similarity) not between speeches, but between special types of speeches - bodies. This has all the limitations of this class of models. It is significant that the exact same thing is being realized here.

Physically similar relate to the model and the original of a new physical nature and reflect their similarity in the waters of the same physical changes at similar space-hour points. The two objects are physically similar, so that given the characteristics of one, the characteristics of the other can be removed by a simple transition, which is analogous to the transition from one system to another. Geometric similarity is defined as physical similarity. If there is physical similarity, the model and the original may have larger folding geometric lines, lower linear proportions, and some of the physical power of the original is not proportional to its geometric dimensions. It is important here that the scope of physical changes in the model be similar to the scope of physical changes in the original. In this case, the physical model in relation to the original is analogous to the type of isomorphism (one-to-one similarity). The central problem is the problem of correct reconciliation of the results of a model experiment with the results of testing the original in real minds. Similarity is based on certain physical criteria.

Ideal(explicit) models are ideal structures in our knowledge in the form of images or indications about other physical entities, processes, objects, systems (geometric point, infinity, etc.).

Abstract(Theoretical, informational) models - models that represent modeling objects in figurative or symbolic form.

Examples of abstract models can be a hypothesis about the power of matter, a hypothesis about the behavior of a folding system in the minds of insignificance, or a new theory about the everyday life of folding systems.

On abstract models and on any analogy (similarity) between the model M and the original S There will be abstract (theoretical) modeling.

Let us paint a representative of the abstract and symbolic modeling as a mathematical model.

Mathematical modelThis is a set of mathematical formulas, equations, and relationships that describe the investigator who is responsible for the power of the modeling object.

To study the skin aspect of modeling (appearance, structure, behavior) or their combinations, similar models can be used: models from the outside looking in, structure models, behavior patterns.

External view model Most often it comes down to the re-interpretation of the external signs of the object; modeling is intended for identification (recognition) of the object.

Structure model- transfer of warehouse elements of a modeling object from designated connections between these elements and is intended for visualization, development of power, identification of significant connections, monitoring of object stability that modeling.

Behavior model This is a description of how the external appearance and structure of a modeling object changes over time and as a result of interaction with other objects. The purpose of behavior models is to predict future conditions of the modeling object, control objects, and establish connections with other objects external to the modeling object.

Objectively, our manifestations are equal, our knowledge about various objects, processes, and systems is equal. This differs from the ways in which the analytical findings are presented.

Before informal Models can be given imagery (images) derived from various forms of thought: emotions, intuitions, figurative thoughts, intelligence, heuristics as a set of logical techniques and rules of inquiry truth. With informal modeling, the model is not formulated, and instead of it, a vague image of reality is used, which is the basis for praising the decision.

In the case of unimportant (intuitive) statements about an object, there may be an unclear description of the situation based on evidence and intuition.

Before formalize Models can be given figurative models if the models are based on any basic elements (spring cores, core flows, body flow trajectories, etc.).

Prior to the formalization of abstract models, symbolic models are introduced, including mathematical constructions, human programming, natural language, together with the rules of their transformation and interpretation.

There is an impersonal command behind your recognition of the click model:

last(Descriptive, cognitive, conceptual, formal) models are used to generate knowledge by the authorities of the object;

basics models for transferring knowledge about the object being monitored;

robotics(Optimization, control) models are used to generate the correct actions in the process of reaching the target.

Before to the last The models include natural benches, physical models, and mathematical models. It is significant that the previous models can act in the context of the initial ones, since they are used to convey knowledge about the power of the object. The butts of robotic models can be: robot; autopilot; a mathematical model of the object, incorporated into the management and control system; the heart is too special. In this case, the latest and initial models can approach reality, and working models can reflect this reality. There is no clear line between these models. So, for example, the last model, which adequately represents the power of the object, can be used as a working model.

The latest models contain new knowledge, the initial models combine old knowledge with new ones.

Working models idealize the accumulated knowledge in the form of ideal operations to develop those and other functions that need to be achieved.

Descriptor models– descriptive models, designed to establish laws for changing the parameters of these processes and the implementation of descriptive and explanatory replacement models on the formal level of modeling.

As a butt of such a model, it is possible to direct the model to the direction of the material point under the action of applied forces, which vikors another Newton’s law. The specified position and speed of the point at the beginning of the hour (input values), the mass of the point (model parameter) and the law of change of forces that are applied (external inputs), you can determine the speed and coordinates of the point at any time of the hour (output values).

Cognitive(Reveal, know) models – a model that creates a clear image of an object, whose ideal model at the head of the follower is removed as a result of guarding the original object.

Forming such a model, as a rule, does not correspond to specific requirements, therefore, in view of the endlessly foldable structure of the object, there is no need for any method of obtaining a more compact and concise description.

Cognitive models are subjective, therefore they are formed deliberately on the basis of all previous knowledge and evidence from the investigator. The manifestations of the cognitive model can only be identified by describing them in the iconic form. This cognitive model is called natural replacement model .

Cognitive and replacement models are not equivalent, the first fragments can replace elements that the investigator cannot or does not want to formulate.

Conceptual model It is customary to call the Zmistov model, when formulated by the author, the concept of the manifestation of the objective knowledge that is involved in the development of the object’s modeling is introduced.

In a broader understanding of the conceptual model, one can understand an alternative model that is based on the song concept and point of view.

Formal modelє presentation of a conceptual model supported by one or more formal concepts (for example, mathematical theories, universal modeling and algorithmic concepts).

In the humanities, the modeling process often ends with the creation of a conceptual model of the object.

Natural science and technical disciplines, as a rule, tend to have a formal model.

Thus, cognitive, alternative and formal models form three mutually related models.

Optimization models– models that recognize the determination of the optimal (shortest) parameters of the modeled object based on certain criteria and the search for the optimal (shortest) mode for controlling the actual process.

As a rule, such models will be based on one or more descriptive models and include a criterion that allows different sets of values ​​of output quantities to be compared among themselves to select the most appropriate one. The value area of ​​the input parameters may be subject to the appearance of differences and inequities associated with the characteristics of the object being viewed or the process.

Using the optimization model, it is possible to simulate the process of launching a rocket from the Earth by bringing it up to a given height for minimal hour when exchanging the value of the engine impulse, the hour of the robot, the coaxial and end mass of the rocket. Mathematical relationships to the descriptive model of the rocket's rover appear in different ways depending on the type of zeal.

It is significant that in most real processes, design requires determination of optimal parameters simultaneously based on a number of criteria. We are rightfully aware of the so-called rich criteria for optimization tasks.

Management models– models that are used to develop effective management decisions in various areas for direct activities.

At the end of the day, a decision is made through a process that, due to complexity, is equal to the process of miscellaneous ignition. However, in practice, decision-making involves selecting various alternatives from a given multiplicity, and the underlying decision-making process is represented as a sequence of such selections of alternatives.

In addition to optimization models, the selection criterion is based on the decision of the extreme mind, in management models it is necessary to introduce specific optimality criteria that allow Consider alternatives for various inconsistencies of the task. The type of optimality criterion in management models is not fixed from now on. This itself is the main peculiarity of these models.

Registration models These models are designed for registration to capture the traceability of authorities and features that are inaccessible for direct registration at the modeling site.

When the task of managing complex dynamic objects is perfect, standard and predictive models are developed, which are formalized representations of the required characteristics of the control object for the purposes of on-line or future control 'ektom.

Reference model- This is a model that describes, in one or another form, the basis (idealized) of the power of the modeling (control) object.

Predictive models– models designated for designation Maybutnih staniv ( next day behavior) of the modeling object.

Simulation models- this is a complete description of the system elements, interconnected elements one by one, external injections, system functioning algorithms (or rules for changing settings) under the injection of external and internal drills yen.

Simulation models are created and analyzed when the creation of a single model of a folding system is impossible and is associated with great difficulties; other mathematical methods do not allow one to obtain sufficient analytical And also the numerical decisions of the task are being looked at. Moreover, the availability of descriptions of elements and functioning algorithms allows one to identify the process of system functioning and vibration vimirvannya tsikavyh characteristics.

It can also be noted that simulation models can be created for a much wider class of objects and processes, lower analytical and numerical models. In addition, the fragments for implementation are determined, as a rule, by computing devices (computers and other devices) by means of a formalized description of simulation models and universal or special algorithms.

Simulation modeling of large (foldable) systems

is deprived of a practically universally available method of extracting information from the behavior of the system in the minds of insignificance, which is especially important at the stage of its design. Using this method, you can select the structure, parameters and control algorithms of the synthesized system, evaluate their effectiveness, and also understand the behavior of the system in your mind, which is impossible to implement on a real prototype (for example, accidents, accidents, and situations etc.). If in simulation modeling one considers the behavior of the system under the influence of shock factors with further statistical processing of information, then as a method of machine implementation of the simulation model vati method of static modeling. In this case, the method of statistical testing (Monte Carlo method) is understood as a numerical method for solving analytical problems.

Special class of models fold cybernetic models that demonstrate the management aspects of the behavior of folding systems based on information exchange between their elements. The very physical nature of cybernetic models emerges from the physical nature of the prototype of those elements. The peculiarity of cybernetic models can be revealed in them, in addition to the control mechanism, also the mechanisms of self-organization, learning, adaptation, etc., and in more folding systems - and piece intelligence.

The appearance of the factor during modeling leads to a mixture of static and dynamic models.

Static models display tired (equally important) modes of the robot system;

Static modes of operation of elements, objects, imaging systems with their static characteristics (linear, nonlinear) are described by various functional aspects of algebra.

Dynamic models display non-default (irrelevant, transient) operating modes of the system.

To describe unimportant (transient) modes of robotic systems, differential levels or systems of differential levels are most often used.

Let's look at the power of models that allow us to either separate or identify the model with the original (object, process). It is customary to see the following characteristics of models: adequacy, foldability, ending, truth, proximity.

Adequacy. Pid adequacy Models are generally accepted to correctly describe an object (process) clearly and accurately according to a selected set of characteristics with a small reasonable level of accuracy.

Adequacy is the most important thing for a model; it will require similarity between the model and the real object (process, system, etc.) and a certain number of its powers and characteristics. Who is respected by the adequacy of the people, and the adequacy of those authorities of the model, which is the same for the successor. Complete adequacy means the sameness between the model and the prototype.

A mathematical model may be adequate for one class of situations (system level + external environment level), but not adequate for another. The stagnation of an inadequate model can lead either to a complete disruption of the real process and the powers (characteristics) of the object that is being studied, or to the transformation of incredible phenomena, powers and characteristics.

You can define the concept of adequacy level, which can be changed from 0 (some adequacy) to 1 (complete adequacy). The level of adequacy characterizes the part of the truth of the model based on the selected characteristics (power) of the object that is being studied. It is significant that in some simple situations the numerical assessment of the level of adequacy does not pose any particular difficulties. The difficulty of assessing the level of adequacy sometimes arises through the ambiguity and vagueness of the adequacy criteria themselves, and through the difficult selection of those signs, authorities and indicators by which adequacy is assessed.

The concept of adequacy to rational concepts, therefore, the advanced stage of this stage also operates on the rational level. The adequacy of the model must be verified, controlled, and clarified gradually in the process of research on private examples, analogies, experiments, etc. As a result of checking the adequacy, it is clear to what extent the additions are made: either to an acceptable loss of accuracy or to a loss of accuracy. When revising the adequacy, it is also possible to establish the legality of the stagnation of accepted working hypotheses in the face of rising problems.

Simplicity and complexity. The immediate benefit is the simplicity and adequacy of the model, which is super accurate. In terms of adequacy, the folding model is simple. In folding models, you can add a larger number of factors that influence the characteristics of the objects that are being changed. Although folding models more accurately represent the power models of the original, they are more bulky, but it is important to look at them in a handy manner. That's why it's easier to operate with simpler models. When a simple model is reduced to the point of being simple, it is the fault of the main principle of simplified model:

You can feel the model until the basic principles, characteristics and patterns of the original are preserved.

This principle applies to forgiveness.

Given this concept of simplicity (or complexity) of the model, there are clear concepts. The model needs to be kept idle so that modern research methods (mathematical, informational, physical) allow us to carry out a clear and detailed analysis with the necessary accuracy. And the fragments of the possibility of tracking are constantly growing, then tasks that were previously considered complex can now be relegated to the category of simple ones.

The most important tasks are to ensure the simplicity/foldability of the folding system model, which consists of several subsystems connected one by one with a hierarchical and richly elastic structure. In this case, the skin subsystem and the skin system have their own local criteria of complexity and adequacy, subordinated to the global criteria of the system.

In order to reduce the adequacy of simplifying models, it is better to carry out:

1) physical activity and saving basic physical activities,

2) on a structural level with the savings of the main systemic authorities.

Simplification of models on a mathematical level can lead to a complete loss of the level of adequacy. For example, narrowing the characteristic level of high order to the 2nd - 3rd order can lead to completely incorrect assumptions about the dynamic power of the system.

It is important to note that simple models are developed at the highest level of synthesis, and complex, precise models are developed at the highest level of analysis.

End of models. It is clear that the world is endless, as any object, in the vastness of time, and in the structure (of life), authorities, and waters, it relates to other objects. Infinity manifests itself in the hierarchical everyday life of systems of various physical natures. Before the object, the investigator is surrounded by the final number of his authorities, connections, victorious resources, etc. In any case, the final fragment of the song “visualizes” from the endless world as a specific object, system, process, etc. and it helps to understand the endless light through the end model of this fragment.

The finality of the system models lies, first of all, in those who represent the original in the final number of holes, then. with the final number of connections with other objects, with the final structure and the final number of authorities at this level of research, investigation, inventory of resources. In another way, the resources (information, financial, energy, time, technical etc.) of modeling and our knowledge as intellectual resources are the ultimate ones, and therefore it is possible to objectively interconnect the possibilities of modeling This is the process of understanding the world through models. Therefore, the successor (with a rare culprit) is on the right with the end models.

Select the size of the model (its level of freedom, changeable) will be based on the class of the assigned tasks. The increased size of the model is associated with problems of complexity and adequacy. In this case, it is necessary to know the functional difference between the level of foldability and the size of the model. Since this storage is static, the problem can be attributed to the stagnation of the calculation systems. Since this storage is exponential, then the “curse of size” (R. Kalman 1) is inevitable and practically does not go into effect.

As it was meant above all, increasing the size of the model would lead to an increase in the level of adequacy and, at the same time, to a more complex model. In which the level of foldability is surrounded by the possibility of operation with the model, then. In these ways, modeling is carried out by the follower. The need to move from a rough simple model to a more accurate one is realized by increasing the size of the model by obtaining new changes, which clearly differ from the main ones Vali with the everyday rough model. These changes can be included in up to one of the following three classes:

1) shvidkoprotekayuschie variables, the extent of which is often small in the space of the table, so that from a rough glance they were taken into account by their integral and mediated characteristics;

2) completely leaky Changes, the anniversary of changing such tabletops is great, so that in rough models the stench was respected by the modern ones;

3) small changes(small parameters), the significance and incorporation of some of the main characteristics of the flooring system are small, which were ignored in crude models.

It is significant that the bottom of the folding arm of the system for the fluidity of the smooth flow and the full flow of the arm makes it possible to twist them from a close neighbor independently of one type, which will simplify the most important task. As for small changes, there is no desire for them in the hour of supreme task of synthesis, but they are trying to capture them with the influx of the authorities of the system in the hour of supreme task of analysis.

When modeling, it is possible to see a small number of main factors, some of which are of the same order and are not very difficult to describe mathematically, and the influx of other factors can be accounted for using average, integral or “frozen” characteristics.

Proximity to models. From the above, it is clear that the ending and simplicity (simplicity) of the model characterize clearly difference (on a structural level) between the original and the model. Then the proximity of the model is characterized by Kilkisnu Besides all this importance.

It is possible to introduce a similar world of proximity to roads, for example, a rough model with a more accurate reference (repeated, ideal) model or with a real model. Proximity of the model to the original inevitably, this is objective, since the model, like another object, loses less power to the original. Therefore, the level of closeness (closeness, accuracy) of the model to the original is indicated by the setting of the task, the method of modeling.

Extreme efforts to increase the accuracy of the model lead to significant complexity, and, therefore, a decrease in practical value. Therefore, the song is a fair principle of L. Zadeh 1 to the fact that with the modeling of complex (human-machine, organizational) systems, accuracy and practical sensation are absurd and include one and the same. The reason for the super sensitivity and absurdity of the accuracy and practicality of the model lies in the insignificance and vagueness of knowledge about the original itself - its behavior, its power and characteristics, about the behavior of the excessive middle, about the mechanisms of Bathroom, routes and services, etc.

The truth of models. The skin model has part of the truth, then. Whatever the model, I think it correctly reflects the original. The level of truth of the model is revealed only with practical comparison with the original, or more

practice is the criterion of truth.

On one side, whatever the model, there is an absolute truth, then. insanely visible and correct. On the other hand, the model is revenge and mentally true, then. more correctly for the singing minds. The typical problem with modeling lies in the fact that the successors will stagnate in the same way as other models without changing the minds of its truth, between them there is a standstill. This approach is designed to eliminate incorrect results.

It is significant that any model must also be incredibly true (plausible), then. Well, we can be for the minds of insignificance, either we are faithful or we are despicable. Only in practice, a de facto relationship between the true and the evil is established in specific minds. Thus, when analyzing the level of truth of the model, it is necessary to understand:

1) more precisely, reliable knowledge;

2) knowledge, reliable for singing minds;

3) knowledge that is valued at a certain level of insignificance;

4) knowledge that estimates cannot be derived from the previous stage of insignificance;

5) ignorance, tobto. those that are unknown.

Thus, the assessment of the truth of the model as a form of knowledge is reduced to the identification of objective reliable knowledge in it that correctly represents the original, as well as the knowledge that it is possible to approximately evaluate the original, as well as those what to become unknown.

The BPM (Business Process Management) standard model has been proposed and is aimed at the lanyard of upcoming changes of mind:

    Increasing the productivity of a business as a folding system will require a rational drive, and process management is the current concept for such drive;

    BPM (as a discipline) promotes a systematic approach to the implementation of process management;

    The skin processing industry has its own BPM system - a portfolio of all business processes, as well as methods and tools for the development, development and development of this portfolio;

    The flexibility of the enterprise BPM system is the main driver of success;

    A specialized software platform (BPM suite) for the implementation of a business BPM system is necessary, but not sufficient, because BPM occupies a special place in the architecture of a business.

Goal: increasing business productivity

For managing its productiveness, the principle of the gig of the Ground Zv'yazku (Fig. 1), the BISTYSHNO-COSISISISTemi by the gear of the bicos, the vicanni nasal,

    The changing progress of the military-state activity (due to such changes being presented in the form of various metrics or indicators, for example, the number of clients that are rotating);

    Integration from the current business ecosystem of those important for business (for example, laws or new market needs);

    the development of the business development strategy for the enterprise;

    Implementation of the decisions made (by making changes to the business system of the enterprise).

This is consistent with the classic recommendation of Edward Deming, the author of numerical works on the control of the yoke, including the published book “Emerging from the Crisis”, all refinements can be carried out cyclically, without interruption Brightly on the skin cycle. The stage and frequency of these cycles must be determined depending on the specific situation, but it is recommended to keep such cycles compact. Various aspects of business operations may be subject to greater refinement. Nutrition, how can you achieve the best results for a specific skin condition? There are two objective ideas to optimize the activities of the enterprise as a whole:

    Ensuring quality assurance with reliable information and tools to evaluate the decision;

    Ensuring that the business system of the enterprise is developed before necessary changes are made at the required pace.

The current concept of business organization is process management, in which processes and services become explicit.

Protsesne keruvannya

The world of business has long understood (including techniques such as TQM, BPR, Six Sigma, Lean, ISO 9000, etc.) that services and processes are the basis for the functioning of most enterprises. There are many companies that use process management to organize their business-government activities, such as a portfolio of business processes and methods for managing them.

Process management, as a management concept, postulates the importance of coordinating the activities of various business services in order to separate the results from the clearly and formally defined business processes. Whose service has operationally independent functional units; Enterprise can produce a variety of elementary nanoservices, which are organized into a megaservice (power enterprise).

The introduction of explicit, meaningful coordination allows for the formalization of interdependence between services. The presence of such formalization makes it possible to use a variety of methods (modeling, automated verification, version control, automated editing, etc.) to reduce the amount of business (to make more correct decisions) and Increased efficiency in the development of business systems (for greater efficiency in the implementation of changes).

In addition to processes and services, business systems of enterprises operate based on concepts, rules, data, performance indicators, roles, documents, etc.

To implement process management of enterprises, three popular disciplines of continuous improvement of business processes are used: ISO 9000, Six Sigma and Lean production. They are drawn into the various details of the business system of the enterprise, since the collection of data about the actual operation of the work and the selection of the new business process model for making decisions is constantly transferred (although this model is also the same things in my head). At the same time, they will demonstrate different and mutually consistent methods in order to determine which changes are necessary to improve the functioning of the business system of the enterprise.

What you model, you model

In Fig. 2, a model of process-ceramic production has been established.

What is the main problem of optimizing the activities of such an enterprise? Different parts of the business system provide different descriptions of the same business process. This means that these descriptions appear indirectly and fragmented by different people, are updated at different rates, do not exchange information, and some of them are simply absent from obvious appearance. The availability of a unified description of the business processes of an enterprise makes it possible to capture this little detail. This description is clearly and formally stated so as to immediately serve as a model for modeling, a compiled program and documentation that makes it easy to understand all the inputs into the business process of the computers.

Such a description is the basis of the BPM discipline, which allows you to model, automate, design, control, simulate and optimize the flows of work that support software systems, partners, clients and partners between and between hospitality. The BPM discipline considers all operations with business processes (modelling, modeling, etc.) as a single whole (Fig. 3).

At the moment, the BPM industry has not yet developed a system of standards for the format of a formal description of business processes. The three most popular formats: BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation, graphical representation of business process models), BPEL ( Business Process Execution Language, formalization of interaction between Web services) and XPDL (XML Process Description Language,, specification for the exchange of business process models between different programs) were divided into different groups for various purposes and, unfortunately, do not adequately interact one of one.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that behind different formats there are different manufacturers and the skins are trying to push their own decision onto the market. As has been repeated many times, in such a struggle the interests of the end-members are not taken into account - today there is no sufficiently active organization that represents the interests of the end-members BPM (by analogy with a group of standards for HTML, the success of which is explained by the acceptance by all Web browser developers of a single ACID3 test for upgrading of its products). The ideal situation in BPM would be a standard definition of semantics for a BPMN-like description of business processes. The very standard semantics of Wikonian would guarantee a new interpretation of business processes, be it any software. In addition, such a description may allow the adaptation of the stage of description of business processes for the needs of a specific employee (for example, a correspondent to draw a rough diagram, an analyst to report, etc.).

All this means that BPEL and XPDL will become unnecessary - they are used as expected in the field of electronic document preparation. One and the same electronic document can be simultaneously written in XML, PDF, PostScript, etc., but only one main format (XML) is used to modify the document.

BPM discipline in business culture

In addition to processes and services, enterprise business systems work with such additional artifacts as:

    podіi(events) - events that occurred between and between the business, which may result in a strong reaction of the business system, for example, when the contract is removed from the client, it is necessary to start the business service process;

    objects(data and documents objects) - formal informational descriptions of real speeches of people who create business; Tsia INFORMASIA TO VIKHISTY BISTEN-Process, HEAD, BISTIN-Process of Serving the Service of the Blag, I will be shocked at the input of the lines of the shame, and on the Vikonni form about Viconnya Slag;

    activities(activities) - other robots that perform objects, for example, automatic activities such as verifying a client’s credit card, or activities that involve humans, such as document verification;

    rules(rules) - boundaries and minds for which the enterprise functions, for example, issuing a loan for a small sum may be approved by the general director of the bank;

    roles(roles) - an understanding of what type of skills and equipment are required for the execution of singing activities, for example, only the manager of a business can sign a specific document;

    audit trail(audit trails) - information about the identification of a specific business process, for example, who did it, what was the result;

    main productivity indicators(Key Performance Indicator, KPI) - a number of indicators are identified that demonstrate the level of achievement of the set goals.

Rice. 4 illustrates the distribution of artifacts between different parts of the enterprise business system. The expression “processes (as templates)” means abstract descriptions (models or plans) of processes;

The expression “processes (as instances)” means the actual results of creating these templates. Create a template that is created to create a large number of copies (similar to an endless form that is copied over and over again for filling out by different people). The expression “services (as interfaces)” means formal descriptions of services available to their partners; The expression “services (as programs)” means the functions of the wiki of services - such functions are provided by the service providers.

For successful work with a complex set of interdependent artifacts, any process-coring enterprise has its own BPM system - a portfolio of all business processes of the enterprise, as well as methods tools for the development of the portfolio, research and development of the portfolio. In other words, the BPM system of an enterprise is consistent with the synergistic functioning of various parts of the business system of an enterprise.

A BPM system, as a rule, is not ideal (for example, certain processes may be carried out on paper, and certain details “live” only in the minds of people), but it fails. For example, the implementation of ISO 9000 can be used as a BPM system.

Reducing the BPM system of an enterprise, in addition to technical aspects, may include social and technical nutrition. The BPM system of business has a lot of involved individuals, each of which carries out its tasks, accepts the BPM discipline with its rank and works with its artifacts. For the successful development of a business BPM system, it is necessary to pay special attention to the problems of all involved individuals and further explain to them how the reduction of the business BPM system will change their work to a better one. It is very important to achieve a unified understanding of all artifacts among all the individuals involved.

Specialized software for the implementation of BPM systems

The growing popularity and great potential of BPM led to the emergence of a new class of corporate software - BPM suite, or BPMS, which contains the following typical components (Fig. 5):

    Process modeling tool – a graphical program for manipulating such artifacts as ideas, rules, processes, activities, services, etc.;

    Process testing tool – the middle of functional testing, which allows you to “configure” the process for different scenarios;

    Process template repository - a database of business process templates with support for different versions of the same template;

    Process execution engine;

    Process instance repository - a database for created and created instances of business processes;

    Work list - an interface between the BPM suite and the system, which identifies activities within one or several business processes;

    The Dashboard is an interface for operational control of business processes;

    Process analysis tool – the middle ground for following the trend of business processes;

    The Process simulation tool is a tool for testing the productivity of business processes.

The need for interaction between the BPM suite and corporate software that supports other artifacts led to the emergence of a new class of enterprise software – Business Process Platform (BPP). Typical BPP technologies (Fig. 6):

    Business Event Management (BEM) - real-time business analysis and launch of relevant business processes (BEM in connection with Complex Event Processing (CEP) and Event Driven Architecture (EDA));

    Business Rules Management (BRM) is clearly a formal coding of business rules that can be modified by business owners;

    Master Data Management (MDM) - simplifying work with structured data for the purpose of reducing chaos while violating the data itself;

    Enterprise Content Management (ECM) – management of corporate information intended for people (legal document);

    Configuration Management Data Base (CMDB) - centralizes the description of the entire information and computing environment of the enterprise, which is used to link BPM to the information and computing resources of the enterprise;

    Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) - managing access to information using an effective method of separation of duties;

    Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) – operational control of the functioning of an enterprise;

    Business Intelligence (BI) – analysis of characteristics and trends of business operations;

    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) - an architectural style for creating collapsible software systems that look like a set of universally accessible and interdependent services that are designed for implementation, design and management of services;

    Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is the middle of communication between services within SOA.

Thus, the BPM discipline is designed to provide a unified, formal description of business processes that can be used in various BPM suite tools, and real data is collected during the execution of business processes . However, the high flexibility of an enterprise's BPM system is not automatically guaranteed after purchasing a BPM suite or BPP - the content of a specific BPM system will evolve at the necessary pace to be designed, implemented and continuously monitored. As healthy as people are, you can’t buy everything.

BPM in enterprise architecture

The need to integrate virtually all corporate software into a single logic to enhance the BPM system of an enterprise undermines the role of BPM in Enterprise Architecture (EA). EA is based on today's tired practice of IT departments in order to streamline the information and computational middle ground of enterprise. EA is based on the following rules:

    The current situation with the information-computational core of the enterprise is clearly documented as an as-is exit point;

    This situation is documented as the end point to be;

    A long-term plan will be developed and finalized to transfer the information and computational middle ground of enterprise from one point to another.

All this would seem entirely reasonable, but the difference with the approach is clearly visible, which conveys small improvements, which is the basis of process management. How to eat two long approaches?

The BPM discipline can address the main problem of EA - to provide an objective assessment of the government's capabilities (and not just information-calculative ones) of what will be at the point to-be. Regardless of the fact that EA describes a new nomenclature of enterprise artifacts (its genotype), it cannot reliably say what changes in which genotype influence the specific genetic characteristics of the enterprise, or the phenotype enterprise (the totality of characteristics that have power over an individual at the final stage of development ).

On its own side, the discipline of BPM is structured by the interdependence between artifacts in the form of obvious and established models (a business process is also an example of the interdependence between such artifacts as functions, roles, rules, etc.). The presence of such models makes it possible, with a certain level of reliability, to evaluate the genetic characteristics of an enterprise when changing the genotype of the enterprise.

Naturally, the more relationships between artifacts are modeled and the more reliable the models, the more accurate such estimates are. The potential symbiosis of the nomenclature of enterprise artifacts and the formally significant interdependencies between them provides a model of enterprise that is evolving at a specific moment in time. If there are such models that are based on common principles (for example,, then there is a possibility for equalizing the effect of the stagnation of various strategies for the development of enterprises and the emergence of more systematic and transferable technologies This is from the transformation of some new models into others.

For a singer, the combination of EA+BPM can become a kind of navigator that will ensure quality assurance and provide practical assistance in the development of business and IT during the implementation of the general line of business.

It's no secret that today's software developers mean and develop BPM in different ways. Prote, more promising for the development of BPM - not BPM, consumer orientation of end-users, and the BPM reference model - the first step in creating a unified understanding of BPM among all the established individuals.

The standard model proposed is based on the author’s practical knowledge of the design, development and support of various corporate solutions. Zokrema, this model was developed for the automation of horticultural production over 3 thousand. foldable electronic products with an average hour of preparation for the product in a number of countries. Through the war, the maintenance and development of the entire manufacturing system required many fewer resources than the traditional approach. n

Oleksandr Samarin ([email protected]) - Corporate Architect for the IT Department of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland)

Process Frameworks for BPM

When approaching the implementation of business process management technology, which will simplify the implementation of BPM systems, it is necessary to respect the accuracy of the business tasks and related business processes; implementation of these processes in the term of three more than three months as a single method of demonstrating the value of this approach; further expanded implementation of core business activities. However, the main difficulty in this direction is the incomprehensibility and lack of convenience between business IT subdivisions. It is important to simplify the project’s implementation and speed of expenditure by using specialized reference models (Process Frameworks).

Reference model- a package of analytical and software resources that consists of a description and recommendations for organizing a high-level structure of a business process, a set of attributes and metrics for assessing the effectiveness of business processes, as well as software modules created for form a prototype of a business process for further adaptation to the specifics of a particular company .

Reference models support the defined and installed benefits and allow the improvement of business processes, they are based on Galouzean standards and include Galouzean evidence. For typical processes, reference models can be used to assist in the selection and modeling of the main operating sequences, the identification of key performance indicators (KPIs) and parameters that allow assessing the performance of key areas, as well as in the management of There is no activity and the highest orders, analysis of emerging causes and samples of culpable episodes.

The structure of a typical reference model includes: recommendations and descriptions of the subject area; elements of composite computer interfaces (on-screen forms and logical connections to the portlet strap); service wrappers for the smooth implementation of access to business data; examples of typical business rules; key indicators of effectiveness and elements for their analysis; constructed process models; data models and process attributes; adaptation to the legislative framework and specifics of business in a particular region; recommendations for the stages of development and implementation of processes. Such a set of resources allows you to quickly adapt to the implementation of a process approach within a specific business process management system, speeding up the iteration cycle of development, testing and analysis of processes. In this way, the maximum level of technical implementation and real business objectives is achieved.

However, as AMR Research analysts say, “technologies and methods themselves cannot guarantee any advantages - “more” does not always mean “shorter.” Businesses of the company stagnate without any decisions, efficiency further decreases. Literacy in the use of such technologies is important.” The reference models are based on accepted standards and evidence from Software AG that they have created a reference model for specific customer benefits. In fact, this model serves as a starting point from which clients can create the required model.

Process Framework, for example, for the business process of contract processing, includes a basic process model with action diagrams for various suppliers and roles, collection of KPIs from the SCOR model (The Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model) for the process as a whole and adjacent stages, rules for supporting ki different processing sequences, for example, according to the customer segment, target indicators for different customer segments, product types and regions, as well as indicator panels that help control individual any situation.

The Process Framework allows us to focus on the need and possibility of adjusting KPIs for specific groups of clients and their configuration in response to the emergence of new products, entry into new regions and market segments. Such information will allow quarry workers, who are responsible for supply chains, trading operations, logistics and production, to gain control over specific activities, and quarry workers of IT departments to evaluate the real usefulness of IT systems, which supports the processing of transactions.

Volodymyr Olentsov ([email protected]) - consultant s BPM and SOA, representation Software AG in Russia SND (Moscow).