Hardsub or embedding subtitles in a video file. The axis of the largest reports is the description of the widest formats of subtitles.

Today for a person who sang foreign language, especially English, everything is richer simpler, less than ten years ago. And on the right, there are not only the majestic number of new-fangled initial cursives, like they swear that for a total of three or three months people can open up a new language.

Modern technologies allow you to speak foreign languages ​​independently. All that is necessary for someone is a computer, connections to the Internet, and a sense of arrogance. At Merezha you can find not only all the information about English, but whether it’s your language (the rules are right), but you can also consult with your noses on various forums and specialized sites. In addition, it is possible for the skin to download a foreign film to my original, in order to train your mind to understand the language by ear. However, in the early stages, still insufficiently enthralled by my own, you can watch films provided with subtitles.

What are subtitles

By itself, the word "subtitles", chi, as they are shortly called, "sabi", came from the French in the form of the word sous-titres - signature.

Subtitles - the same text at the bottom of the screen, like a stretch of a film or a TV show that portrays promo heroes. Some subtitles do not duplicate the information from the audio track, but supplement it with new comments (this is more typical for TV shows and new ones).

For most of the captions, subtitles are arranged in a light (mostly white) text with dark outlines. This text is present as a stretch of the entire film at once from the images, on the note in the “intertitles” (writing, which periodically appear on the screen, which are featured in the silent cinema).

Are subtitles still featured? History of their vintage

Having learned from them, what are the subtitles, it is important to pay respect to those, like the stink of the wine and for what. The need for subtitles appeared at the dawn of the epoch of sound films, the shards of the skin country, like filming films, dreamed of selling the rights to their rental of the yakomog to a larger number of other countries. For which films were brought to all film festivals and were shown to representatives of different countries. Those who liked the film signed a contract and bought the rights to a yoga demonstration from their country.

It was a long and expensive process to complete the dubbing of my own at that time. In addition, it was not easy to transfer, like the edges of the product. To that, it was wrong to deprive the film of my original, having provided them with subtitles of my foreign language. And the country was engaged in translating the film, as if it had acquired the rights to its distribution.

As a result, subtitles often became the best way to transfer the text to the song of a foreign language, as if they were badly translated.

Subtitles were introduced on television so that people with hearing impairments could better understand those that appear on the screen. But most of all, it was already ready to broadcast documentaries. Shards in the news, which were released in real time, it was even more difficult to quickly create subtitles, here the sign language translation was most often performed. Along with the advances in technology, the advent of digital television, subtitles have become more accessible both at a price and at a speed of creation.

Today, subtitles do not only help deaf people, who can hardly smell, find out about what to see in films or programs, but also give additional information to all viewers about those who stink. It is especially worthwhile to cover the broadcasts of those documentaries, which, for additional subtitles, tell about the meanings of other terms.

With the advent of videotapephones, films with subtitles, the Daedalus, often began to be victorious for the wedding of another movie. For example, students are shown English films with Russian subtitles at the beginning stage of the wedding. In addition, as the stench sounds like a lot of phrases in films by ear, they are shown videos with English subtitles. And having mastered it, the students gradually switch to films without translation and subtitles.

Irreplaceable subtitles and for those who like to look at new movies. Most of the present-day correspondents on the Internet, so that you can quickly become saturated with a foreign film, which recently appeared at the rental, without checking it, Russian subtitles, like less labor, less access to the translation, and are more important to the early critic

This is the practice of staging the most popular serials. Call for a few more days, until the Russian new series is dubbed. With subtitles, my Russian translation, you can come up with a practically coming day after the premiere.

One more time, the young region is stoked with subtitles and loves karaoke.

See the subtitles

Having found out what subtitles are for which they are victorious, you can look, as if you see them.

Nasampered, tse sewn subtitles, or hardsubs. In some way, the text is superimposed on the outside of the image, it is impossible to turn it off. Varto indicate that all the first subtitles were sewn. There were some ways to put the text on the plate. Year by year the machines appeared, they were working automatically. This is a laborious process, even if it is necessary to set subtitles, it would be practical for a skin frame. Today's days are much easier for digital technologies. Prote through hardsubi the quality of the video is lost.

More recently, software subtitles or soft ones appeared. Tse okremi files, yakі mіstat subtitles. You can freely connect to the video, as well as choose the rozmіr, the place of roztashuvannya, the font and type to speed up / improve their appearance. For practical use before a skin film, you can know the file with subtitles, be it my own, and install yoga with ease. More than that, practically all modern telephones can create subtitles in video, which you can look at.

According to the form, all subtitles are divided into two great groups:

  1. Added subtitles (reboot in one file with videos, you can turn them on or off by selecting the other item from the context menu).
  2. Original subtitles (also known as files of special formats, they are also connected for additional context menu).

Subtitle formats

Today, for those who want to marvel at the film with text, it is a great choice of formats with the most popular subtitles, which miraculously suits the widest video players.

  • SRT is the most widely used subtitle format. Vіn is super simple in coristuvanni, yogo can be edited. In addition, SRT building synchronizes with video independently, avoiding the appearance of subtitles before the hour or later.
  • SUB - if it's a popular subtitle format. Ale yogo yogo vytіsnyat suchasnіshi formats.
  • SAMI is a specialized format, expanded by Microsoft. Vin may also have a clear structure. Encourage the possibility of changing the font, color, rozmіru and roztashuvannya.
  • MicroDVD is a subtitle format specifically for the MicroDVD player. In connection with the cym, with the choice of subtitles in other programs, the hour may not be correct. Even subtitles of the same format are synchronized by the frame number of the video sequence, and not by the hour, like most other formats. In its time, it will be even more popular, but today there are more universal formats.
  • PGS is a modern format for subtitles, assignments for victories on Blue Ray discs.
  • SSA is a format for subtitles, assignments for the subtitles in the Sub Station Alpha program. This is a special program for creating subtitles.
  • ASS is the exact format of SSA.
  • IDX+SUB – graphic subtitles, approved for DVD.
  • TT is one of the most promising subtitle formats today.

How to turn on Russian subtitles and write in other languages

In order to get subtitles, you need to get them back. Most of today's discs are equipped with subtitle files. In another case, the file with them is simply necessary to take advantage of.

For most of the widest current programs (Media Player Classic, GOM, KMP, Quicktime player and others), you can turn off subtitles, as if they were stinking, you can use the context menu called by pressing the right button of the bear. In the video, it is necessary to select the "subtitles" tab. At the menu - check the box next to "display/show subtitles". At this menu, you can tweak them to your own liking. For obviousness, you can choose different subtitles: Russian language, for example.

For the availability of subtitles, this menu item in GOM allows you to connect external subtitles. In the context menu, you need to select "subtitle manager" and, by clicking on the "folder" icon, select the required file on the disk.

For the KMP encoder, in order to display the right subtitles, it is necessary to select the “open subtitle” position, and then “open subtitles”.

In Media Player Classic, you need to select the "file" item in the context menu, and then "open subtitles", and you can watch the movie.

Obviously, there are other programmers, but in them the attraction and inclusion of subtitles is based on a similar principle.

De shukati subtitles

Knowing what subtitles are, how to install them and how to use the widest formats, how to expand, where you can know.

If the subtitle file was not included on the disc with the film, you can find it on the Internet. For whom it is necessary to go to the library of subtitles and get the necessary file. Wart be respectful of the subtitle formats, so that you don’t suffer later from editing the video feed manually.

When you ask for subtitles, it is also important to know how to write the name of the film in Russian and in the original - it’s better to ask for a joke. Acting programmers, for example Media Player Classic, builders themselves know the subtitles before the film. To do this, you need to pause the file, go to the "file" menu and select "subtitle database". For the help of this point, you can add and add the necessary subtitles, however, the function does not work in all versions of the program and not in all regions.

With the development of modern digital technologies, marveling at a foreign film with a translation that is read, it has become so simple, like translating a phrase from one movie into another in online translation. During the day, more and more people use subtitles not only as an instrument of recognition (watching fashionable films and karaoke), but also for the development of foreign language by ear. Today subtitles are the most accessible and the cheapest way to work.

Subtitles, perhaps, are not too rich, but sometimes you want to feel the actor's original voice and understand what you are talking about. Axis for what and what you need. May you have all BD-Rip and DVDRip as original subtitles, as well as Russian ones. How to capture them from two other videoprogrammers - read carefully further.


And two types of video programs are KMPlayer and, of course, MediaPlayerClassic, which is included before the K-liteCodecPack. For locking KMPlayer, you can use codecs, but you can also use system codecs for codecs. Subtitles are added to internal and external. The internals are in the video file itself, you can turn it on and off. Zovnishni subtitles, tobto. okremo connect, connect with files in the SRT and SUB format (the widest in the Internet).

You can select and enable subtitles in a number of ways: run the video file with the help of KMPlayerMPC. For example, take the film "Mission Unknown: Phantom Protocol", Blu-rayRip from a licensed disc with English subtitles. Okremo Bulo has been captured with Russian subtitles in SRT format.

To enable subtitles in KMPlayer, right-click the bear button on a free space in the player window, move the cursor to the “Subtitles” item and select “Open subtitles”. Let's then enter the path to the captioned subtitle file and press "Enter". Subtitles were successfully connected to this video file, and for their display, check the "Show subtitles" checkbox in the Subtitles menu. Please note that the file has English subtitles, you need to switch to Russian. For someone, go to the menu Subtitles - Movie subtitles and select Russian in the list (write something like this Subtitle / rus).

Embedded subtitles, or "hardsub"- the same method of superimposing subtitles, with which the stench in front (that is to look at the top of the head) is glued into the video image itself and after that, in the same order, they cannot be removed from the new. At the sight of the new original subtitles, or "Softsub"— the same method of superimposing subtitles on a picture at the time of creation, and the subtitles themselves are saved in a separate file (or in a normal video file).

First, what next, first, take on the hardsub: do you need it? Most of the problems associated with the creation of the sound subtitles, it’s safe to go wrong, so you can see the video not on the computer, but on the “outdoor” player: if you don’t play subtitles, try it to upgrade the firmware, maybe ce .

And yet, all the same, sometimes they blame the lapses, if you can’t do without a hardsub: if the player is old, the flashing doesn’t work and it’s taken from the factory, otherwise you download the movie on your iPod, mobile phone, or mikrokhvilovu pich ...

Especially in the case of changing the setting to the hardsub, it is more negative, lower positive, ale coristuvachi continue to put the power on, and for that I respect it better to write and post on the website of this article, so that I can save the tsієї those times and for the future.

Also, subtitles on a hardsub are sewn in the middle of the video image, it is impossible to manage the video stream without overwriting. Otzhe, I will not have mercy on you, but I will say that Yogo is definitely suffering with whom. Naskіlki tse already the food of your vminnya.


Install VirtualDubMod.

Unpack archives with VSFilter. I don’t know how it will be given, but at the time of writing, these statistics were delivered to the 7z archive (you can unpack it with WinRAR) and two versions of VSFilter.dll, in the “Release” and “Release Unicode” directories. .

Rename the VSFilter.dll file to VSFilter.vdf and move it to the "Program Files\VirtualDubMod\plugins\" directory.

subtitle overlay

Start VirtualDubMod. Select the menu File > Open video file...
Open video file.
Any mention of headings in VBR is ignored.
At the "Video" menu, select "Full Processing Mode":

In Video > Compression, select the DivX codec:

Click the "Configure" button:

Your picture can be changed as hovered (because in different versions of DivX, the control elements are sorted and named differently). Your task is to know that the set-up coding in one pass (“1-pass” or “Single Pass”) and the bitrate in the region of 900...1300. The higher the bitrate, the higher the quality of the video and the larger the size of the file.

Press OK and click OK again.

If necessary, you can also set the audio encoding parameters in the menu Audio > Stream List and other parameters. Before speech, it is also a double-pass coding, which allows, at the same time, the bitrate to take the quality by an order of magnitude higher, lower with a single-pass. But I won’t specifically talk about anyone, because our article is not about you, but you can read everything in a dozen other places.

Now choose Video > Filters and (after you decide filters!) let's add the "TextSub" filter (be careful, and rename our VSFilter.dll):

Be aware that this filter is supported. First, anonymous subtitle formats, including SSA/ASS, SMI, etc. Among the last and last we have SRT. In a different way, a great list of different coding, yakі, naskіlki I understand, necessary for quiet vipadkіv, if the locale is affixed in the system, a different type of subtitle coding. Select your own coding (RUSSIAN).

Press "OK".

Look around the file to look at how the subtitles look. The axis of what has become in us:

Now you can edit the coding (File > Save as...) to save the video with embedded subtitles. Well, then you know what work with him - at the flooded player, iPod, micro-hvilovu pich ...

(also: subtitles, from English subtitles - literally: signatures below; (jarg.) sabi, abbreviated form "subtitles") - a textual accompanying video that duplicates or supplements the sound of a film or transmission. Most importantly, the language of the characters is shown in the subtitles.

Sound the subtitles to make out like a text, writing in a medium-sized font and expanding at the bottom of the screen for an hour to review the video. Subtitles correspond to people who smell the sound of films badly, or they speak language. However, subtitles are often used to revisit a movie (often anime) with the original audio without a sound translation. (At the activities of the activities of the Country - in the Izravili, sores of the Bulgarian - Zvinya Ostrosіb with an exchanging, and the voting vicoristovy Vicoristovy is tilki for the fіlmas in the sweet serials.) Subtitri subtatovs іnformasics about those to the film (or) an explanation of the folding rozumіnnya mіsts.

Vivvannya termina

The word "subtitles" - (from French titre - quality, characteristic, BSE) is positioned in English "subtitles" (subtitles). Russian mine out means the end of the track of the text support to the video. Krіm vimovi "subtitles" are also called "subtitles", ale rіdshe.

The word "subtitle" in one line is used to see one row of subtitles.


Subtitles vary by degree of detail. Sound subtitling less replicas of characters. If subtitles serve to translate the film, then they are commented on and written, as in the frame. In addition, if subtitles are created for people with impaired hearing, they often fix important sound subtitles in them - for example, at that moment, if the hero of the film feels a sinister creak, a subtitle (skregit) can appear.

Subtitles can be included in the video sequence, overlaid on top of the image, or removed from the file with text. Play DVDs with movies and add subtitles to them. The creation of handicraft subtitles, so the titles of the fensab, has been expanded. Such subtitles are expanded either in the video (embedded subtitles, often also in English hardsubs), or in the view of okremikh files (namely, which are included, sometimes there are different subtitles).

Subtitles in digital form

Digital video subtitles (DVD-video, MPEG-2, MPEG-4) can be:

sewn in(From English Hard subtitles, also called hard subtitles)
- The image with the text of the subtitles is superimposed on the output of the video during the process of creating a sub-bag file (encoding). Such subtitles do not superimpose the usual additives on the player, but it is impossible to turn them on, and they worsen the quality of the video that is being encoded, through an increase in fine contrasting details in the frame. The clarity and folding of the sewn subtitles can be maximum, the fragments of their creation can be significantly more advanced and scrupulous, lower revision.

prerender(in English prerendered subtitles)
- subtitles are ready-made images that are saved as a video clip (if you want, maybe in one file with it). Subtitri Vimagayut Pidrimki with the Boku play, call not the supra -bosom of the anchist (through those for the zberganny of such subtitles vicoristovas to the sinky format of the Kilkіstyo Kolorin, the viconuvati font is not aimed to the text. transcendental ambition on the player. Itself in this look has subtitles on DVD-video.

software(also called soft subtitles)
- subtitles, in text, often with layout elements (size, color, typeface, position on the screen). Pred'yavlyayut, por_vnyano z іnshimi variantov, bolsh vysokі vomogi to obladnannya (programі), scho vіdvoryuє, at zv'yazku z nebhіdnіstyu small font (sound vector) and possible effects in real time. Also, there are problems with the formats presented to the text of the kіlkom by mov through a single one-byte encoding.

One of the main advantages of pre-rendering and program subtitles is the possibility of the presence of multiple translations (for example, for a large number of languages), as well as the possibility of including subtitles (which is not possible for wired subtitles).

Subtitles are also subdivided into two categories according to the form, in which they are saved:

Vbudovani- rebuy one file from video.
Zovnishni- are one or more of a number of files, play them in sequence, or often run with them to a video file, and also with other extensions: SRT, SUB, TXT (details see below).

Popular formats of modern subtitles

srt- Text subtitle format by SubRip. On the back, without adding the elements of the design of the text, we added letters of extensions to emphasize the colors and the number of symbols (italic, bold text).
smi(smil) – text format of subtitles, titles in SGML. Transferring practically all the possibilities of formatting the text, supported by HTML and CSS standards.
ssa- Text subtitle format in Sub Station Alpha. Transferring color assignments, symbol positions, lettering, typeface; allows you to freeze foldable video effects of any symbols (shaded, roar, turn it thin); you can replace the text in different codes.
ass- text subtitle format Advanced Sub Station Alpha (previously implemented in the Medusa program), a further development of the ssa format.
sub/idx- Dual format pre-render subtitles for VobSub. Some are called "subtitles to the Vobsub format", although it's not correct. With graphic subtitles, drawn from DVD (for example, for the help of DVDDecrypter).

additional information

What are subtitles?
Subtitles are textual support for the video series of my original or translations, dubbing and sometimes additional, for example for visually impaired viewers, the soundtrack of a movie or TV shows ( Wikipedia). Seemingly simpler, the text, which is written at the bottom of the video, as shown on the foot of the little one.

How do subtitles fit into a video?
There are a bunch of options here. The simplest and the oldest - the inclusion of subtitles without the middle of the video sequence. So in the era of analog video, subtitles were superimposed directly on video or film. Tsya practice dosi maє mіsce at cinemas, yakі vikoristovuyut plіvkovі projectors. However, today in the era of digital video there are more universal options. On the right, in the fact that in the "analogue" method you can put subtitles on more than one mine, and if you put them on once, you can't take them away. To bring a few copies of copies with different versions of subtitles and without them, and additional kilometers of water (or gigabytes of data, as such a way to score on digital media).

In order to unlink, subtitles in digital formats, use the same video sequence, and they are superimposed by the player on the picture without intermediary at the time of creation. Tse allow glyadachevy to choose, yakі same subtitles vіn want to bachiti and chi vzagalі want, without additional vitrates.

What are subtitles?
Tse to lie in the sight of their confession. The most common subtitles are descriptions of what is seen on the screen, which helps people with hearing impairments better understand the plot: dialogues, the nature of the music, what it sounds like, noise and other sound effects, like the director needs to convey to the viewer. Even more widely so called forcing subtitles, as if to convey information to the whole number of peeps: for example, a translation written by a foreign language, or a translation of a mov / song by my, unknown potential spectator. In your videos for the contest, you can win all the options. Required minimum: if the text that sounds in the video, Russian language, then it needs a transcription, as well as a translation into English in the form of subtitles. To sound the text of another national language, then you need subtitles with translations in Russian and English languages. A great plus will be the subtitle track of the national language. Like the video has written inscriptions, the sense of such important things in the plot, it is also necessary to translate them in subtitles.

How to create subtitles?
To create subtitles, it is necessary to prepare the text in bulk. You can also add the text and subtitles for the hour of creation, for whom this option will be useful. To create subtitle files in the required formats (we recommend .srt) Use of anonymous programs, including those without costs. And if you know the principles (syntax) of the format, you can create subtitles using the Notepad program, which is standard for all computers. Let's take a look at the options below.

How to create subtitles for a special program?
To facilitate the process of creating subtitles and different programs. The interface is typical: video window, timeline window and text editor window. In order to get familiar with the known programs, it is enough to type in the search system and ask for "program for creating subtitles srt". Instructions and help of the koristuvach are presented for most of them, many of them may have initial videos on YouTube. As a butt, you can call the cost-free programs Aegisub and Subtitle Edit. Stop, until the speech, the functionality of the online editor, so you do not happen to install the program on your computer. Choice of editorial subtitles to complete wide. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіd vіdnoyu sіdnoyu notepad, editors subtitіrovіnіїі і allow vіdrazu bachitі the result.

How to create subtitles in a standard notepad?
Tse is not difficult. It is better to know what the format of subtitles is, in our opinion. Let's take a look at the report. The .srt file is, in fact, a typical text file, which has a fixed hour for the appearance of that text row on the video sequence. The axis looks like it is on a real application (a fragment of the English subtitles file of one famous film - guess which one?):

00:02:58,436 --> 00:02:59,604

00:03:02,356 --> 00:03:03,441

00:03:04,650 --> 00:03:06,694
Hello! Anybody home?

Let's unscramble yoga.

Numbers 13, 14, 15 are serial numbers of phrases. 00:02:58,436 --> 00:02:59,604 - timecode for the top of the head and the end of the phrase display, de 00:00:00,000 - the top of the video sequence. The first number is years, the other is hvilini, the third is seconds, accurate to the thousandth part of after Komi (milliseconds). Phrase, stowage і, displayed in italics.

To create subtitles, you can use the standard Notepad program for Windows or macOS. You need to open a notepad, create a new file, save it and save it with the srt extension. You can use the notepad ++ program, manually edit texts in it and save them with the required extensions (type) of the file.

How to save a file? Let's look at the butt: if you want the first subtitle phrase to appear on the fifth second of your video and after two seconds it appears, then the subtitle file needs to be added to the next row:

00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:07,000
normal text cursive text

As a result, at the fifth second of your video, the phrase appears: Normal text cursive text

After two seconds, if the video is up to six seconds, the phrase will appear.

If you want your video player on your computer (as well as modern models of TVs) to play your video with subtitles, it is necessary that the video files and subtitles were in one folder, and that their names were not included. For example, if you have two subtitle tracks (Russian and English), and the video file is called ecovideo.mp4 The same subtitle files should be named ecovideo.ru.srtі ecovideo.en.srt(For the Russian and English versions, it is clear). As you can see from the butt, all files have a global name ecovideo. Give the file extension and/or information about the language. Deputy "ekovideo" win the digital code, which you canceled at the registration hour for the competition.

Spodіvaєmos, the logic has understood. At the time of feeding, before your services, the search system and our contacts are at the bottom of the page.