Where is the headquarters of eset. About the company. The co-founders keep planting in the company


Information about virobnik


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Antiviruses for business

A special anti-virus solution for a small computer company that will protect against malicious programs and Internet threats without malicious attacks.

Antiviruses for business

Centralized anti-virus protection of working stations, mobile attachments and file servers.

Antiviruses for business

Today, e-mail is the main extension of computer viruses, worms, spyware, phishing attacks and other shkidlivih programs. To protect against these threats, you need a better anti-virus solution. Solutions of ESET NOD32 may have obvious advantages: reliability of work, low power to system resources, high flexibility and simplicity in common.

Antiviruses for business

Extensions of anti-virus protection of working stations, mobile attachments and file servers with the possibility of centralized care.


Basic computer protection for a unique price
| Antivirus Antiphishing | Antishpigun | USB control

Defender of mobile extensions


Premium-class solutions for the protection of computers and mobile devices against all types of threats
| Antivirus Antiphishing | Anti-villain | Antishpigun | Antispam Batkivsky control USB control Firewall | Data backup | System alarm system Password management Mobile device protection

ESET- international retailer of anti-virus software and computer security solutions for corporate and home employees.
The company was founded in 1992 roci. Headquarters of ESET are located near Slovakchyna, near the city of Bratislava. The company is represented in over 180 countries of the world.
The name of the company ESET (Essential Security against Evolving Threats) in translation means "Effective defense against threats that evolve."
ESET - the first virobnik anti-virus software, as a matter of fact, it has developed heuristic methods for detecting computer threats in its solutions. heuristic method it protects the coristuvacha not only from known, but also from new threats, which are not yet included in the signature database. In addition, the ESET company has become a pioneer in stoking bad technologies in security. Such services have been found in ESET NOD32 products since the fall of 2007.
Key advantages of anti-virus solutions ESET - value, swedcode and ease of management. Over 110 million people around the world chose ESET NOD32 to protect computers and mobile devices.
ESET in Russia and CIS
The Russian representative office of ESET (www.esetnod32.ru) was announced at Moscow 2005. The company is engaged in promotion and sale of ESET NOD32 in Russia and CIS countries. Regional offices of the company are located in Pivnichno-Zakhidny, Volzky, Ural, Siberian, Pivdenny and Pivnichno-Kavkazsky federal districts, as well as in Kazakhstan. Pobudova of the branch office allowed to increase sales of ESET NOD32 anti-virus solutions in the entire territory of the Russian Federation, the territory of the SND (Crimea of ​​Ukraine) and Georgia.
Today, the third personal computer in Russia is being upgraded with the anti-virus solution ESET NOD32. For the prompt response to the virus epidemic in Russia, the official Center for Viral Research and Analysts were involved.
Among the clients of ESET in Russia and the countries of the SND are great Russian and international companies, as well as state structures.

The ESET company promotes licensing programs, which are licensed for a certain amount of time and a set of nodes / coristuvachiv that are being protected. A number of licenses have been distributed: "First purchase", "Prodovzhennya", "Additional purchase", "Procedure with extensions" and "Migration".

"First Purchase"– basic license for 1 hour 2 years.
"Prodovzhennya"– a license to continue the right to use ESET software after the termination of the term for the primary license for the whole product. Seems to be 1 or 2 years old and transfers a discount of 40% equal to a new purchase.
"Additional purchase"- granting additional licenses for the software for the provision of a license term for the license area. Vartіst razrakhovuєtsya, from the number of months, scho lost until the end of the term before the grant of the license. The price of additional licenses is taken from the price range, which reflects the total number of objects of defense.
"Proceedings with extensions"– increase in the number of licenses for the ESET security software on your minds at once with the license area. The price of licenses, which are additionally purchased, repaid, varying from the price range, in which the total number of licenses is known, which are purchased (repurchased + repaid). The price of licenses that are being sold is covered by the price range, in which the total number of licenses that are being sold is known.
Migration - a license for the transition from a similar product of another bookmaker to ESET products. We reduce the license fee by 40%.
ESET NOD32 product licenses are available for 1 or 2 years. After the termination of the term "dії licenses", you can continue to win software security, however, regular updates of anti-virus databases are applied. In order to receive an update, it is necessary to renew the license for the product.

Licensing of academic organizations and lighting installations

For medical mortgages, one discount of 30% is expected on all ESET NOD32 solutions, both for purchase and for renewal of licenses. Decisions about the amount of the allowance are accepted based on a copy of the license “On the current medical activity”, seen by the Federal Service with a clear view of the sphere of health protection and the social development of the Russian Federation. For academic organizations, a single 50% discount is available for all ESET NOD32 solutions, both when purchasing and when extending licenses. Decisions about the grant of the discount are accepted on the basis of a copy of the license "On the illumination of activity" of the state license.

Delivery options

ESET products are available from boxes, electronic activation key and corporate licenses. When purchasing software from a license key or a distribution kit for installing the product (media pack), you must either purchase it from the ESET website.

Box– include the disk with the software distribution kit and instructions in a paper look. There is a sticker with the registration code on the disc. The boxed version is optimal for private individuals, as well as for organizations, such as a large number of PCs that are protected, not overriding 5 PCs.
Electronic activation key- sent by electronic mail for a few years after payment of the pledge. The distribution kit for installation (media pack) can be bought directly or purchased from the ESET website.
Corporate electronic license- delivered to the deputy at the sight of the sheet, where it is indicated to them that the password is correct. In order to upgrade the software, it is necessary to get the required distribution kit from the site and install it, enter your password, and remove the electronic sheet. The license is superseded by the deputy in PDF format.
Mediapack– DVD-ROM from the software distribution kit. Do not avenge the NOD32 license itself - it is necessary to get it right. You can buy a distribution kit only for an addition to a purchased one, or to get an earlier license.

Company ESET- one of the best companies in the world to distribute anti-virus programs. Її the first product, becoming an antivirus under the name NOD. Dali wine renames to NOD32 1.0 The company itself was put to sleep in 1992, the founders were too rich, and in our time there are a lot of people already at the office. The company in an hour of its foundation has reached a lot of things, it has seen more in 180 countries of the world and its popularity continues to grow.

The advantage of the current antivirus NOD32 7 and 8 is the same speed and superior protection. Compared to other antiviruses, the windows have less computer resources, the windows work in quiet mode, not bothering you. With cym antivirus you can feel yourself at the top of the security. Nowadays, there are two types of ESET products: NOD32 Antivirus and NOD32 Smart Security. First zasіb zahistu files on the computer. In another, the antivirus includes antispam and firewall, which means that you can safely surf both on the Internet and on your desktop.

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The activation key is seen behind the help of the official key generator provided by ESET. Using the official keys to legalize your version of ESET NOD32 Antivirus and keep up-to-date updates of anti-virus databases. The number of generated keys is not limited, it is necessary to re-route, 1 key is available for 1 installation (you can repeat it: for which one you want to start the generator again).

Get the distribution package for ESET NOD32 Antivirus with a built-in key generator

Instructions on how to get a legal key for NOD32 for 30 days

You need to take advantage. Launch yoga. When the installation master window appears:

1. Change with the one who I’ll write on the contrary "Enable to install Browser with Protect function" checked(Without the tick, you won't be able to see the key).

2. Press the button "Install trial version".

3. Copy the deletion key, Yakim can activate the antivirus.

*ESET is blocking distribution of activation keys for ESET NOD32 software products from the Internet. The Activation Key is available after the download is completed and the free version is installed.

ESET- company-retailer of software security in the gallery of information security. Representative offices of ESET are distributed in 160 countries of the world. ESET's headquarters are located in the city of Bratislava, Slovakia and in the city of San Diego, .

Business in Russia

2018: Record sales growth of 14%

In 2018, Eset also launched a number of low service initiatives calling for optimizing the interaction between customers and partners with the company at all points of contact. The result was record NPS and NSAT scores for clients - 69% and 66% positive. Indicator of satisfaction of partners to become 83%.

One of the key service activities is the launch of the cost-free service "Guarantee of anti-virus protection" - with the help of Eset, you can turn a penny in case of an incident related to information security. Great business can be invested in compensation for losses.

In 2019, the company can expand its product line and partnerships, as well as implement new service initiatives. One of the company's strategic goals is to increase its position in the service room on the Russian IT market.

2017: Start of new directly to business of Eset Cloud

On April 10, 2017, the Eset company presented in Russia and SND Eset Cloud - a new direct business for service providers, within the framework of which partners can remotely manage the anti-virus solutions of their corporate agents. The Eset Cloud model is focused on service providers, for which a new affiliate program has been expanded.

According to Eset, the business is promising for upcoming types of companies:

  • hmarni service providers;
  • system integrators and distributors of software solutions;
  • IT outsourcing;
  • hosting providers;
  • computer service companies;
  • Internet providers and call operators.


Zrostannia Vitorga by 11% to 3.8 billion rubles.

According to ESET, in 2015 the company's rotation increased its revenue by 11%. Vaughn did not specify the penny showman. In 2014, the sales of ESET in Russia amounted to 3.5 billion rubles. It appears that in 2015 the company's revenue reached close to 3.885 billion rubles.

The vendor showed that in 2014 and 2015 the market of antiviruses in Russia was balancing between insignificant increases and decreases. Negative impact in the retail sector: here sales fell by 18% in the mid-spring of 2015 to the same period in the previous year (data from GfK).

The main factors contributing to the increase in ESET's income are the launch of new solutions for mobile devices, joint projects with telephone operators, and the turn to ESET's online sale.

In 2015, 15% of ESET's revenue fell on products for smartphones and tablets, such as NOD32 Mobile Security and NOD32 Parental Control for Android, against 5% earlier.

When it comes to telephone operators, ESET launches special versions of mobile products and solutions for corporate clients, launches marketing initiatives and develops other projects. According to the vendor's forecasts, in 2016, the partnership with operators will bring the company up to 10% of the profit.

ESET is looking for a way to bypass preferences for Russian software

Foreign IT-companies have begun to work out collaborative solutions with Russian companies to bypass the law on preferences for Russian software on state purchases.

2007: Sales from Russia and SND without Ukraine $20 million

In 2007, sales of the ESET NOD32 anti-virus system in Russia and CIS (including Ukraine) exceeded $20 million.

2005: Representation in Russia

Representation of ESET in

In the future, growth will drink on ESET products and among corporate replacements. At the link with the cim, a decision was made on the certification of ESET products in accordance with STB 34.101.8-2006. Obtaining a certificate from the Operational and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus to allow ESET to secure the overhead protection against the penetration of shoddy software into the IT infrastructure of state-owned institutions and commercial organizations.


2012: Zrostanya Vitorga for 4 rocky by 303%

Behind the tribute is Deloitte, ESET's winner from 2008 to 2012. increased by 303%.

2011: The co-founders keep planting in the company

September 13, 2011 The founders of that spivvlasniki company ESET - Miroslav Trnka (Miroslav Trnka), Rudolf Khrubі (Rudolf Hrubý), Maroš Grund (Maroš Grund) and Anton Zajets (Anton Zajac), relinquished managerial posts and relinquished their position with the directors.

The CEO of ESET has been recognized as another one of the company's spivlasnik - Richard Marko, who previously embraced the position of technical director. Vin changed at the settlement of Miroslav Trnk. Pavlo Luka became the new technical director of ESET, having previously been the IT director of the company. Maros Grund, ESET's lead researcher, was replaced by Juraj Malcho, ex-head of the ESET virus lab. Milan Masaryk became Rudolf Khrubi's assistant and was appointed financial director of the company. In addition, Anton Zayets, the director of the ESET headquarters in Pivnichny America, has also changed. The bindings were handed over to Andrew Lee.

“This initiative is being taken as part of the global reorganization of ESET management, which is due to the high growth rates of the company, consolidation and expansion of business,” comments Mikhailo Drozhzhevkin, head of the Russian representative office of ESET. – In 2010, ESET has already broken all the most optimistic records related to the company's business. I think that the new direction in the management, without any doubt, will allow ESET to continue its aggressive policy of developing different markets and to enter the new level of development.

2010: One of the largest Swedish growing companies in EMEA

Behind the credits of the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA (2010 year) rating, ESET's wildest growth for the remaining five years of the world was 530%, which allowed the company to take 343 positions in the TOP-500 companies, which is most likely to grow in Europe, Africa in the Nearest Get off. In addition, according to the results of the rating, ESET became the 25th most visible company in Central Europe.

1988: The company's first antivirus

ESET NOD32 antivirus supporter appeared at the grassroots of 1988. Similarly, on the Czechoslovakian TV channel, the majestic popularity of the series "Likarnya na Okraji Mesta" (or "Nemocnica na Okraji Mesta") was shown with great popularity. As a result, the new antivirus "Likarnya on the edge of the disk" (or "Nemocnica na Okraji Disku", that is NOD).

As it is necessary to keep moving, then the stepwise classical "enn ou dii" sounded more simple and understandable "nіd!". The new anti-virus system NOD32, of course, began to radically change in the first versions of NOD. The bula system has been converted to a 32-bit basis, due to the prefix "32" before NOD32 was written. І at once a lot of different writings of NOD32 already in history. NOD and 32 were angry to buy it, having made the only correct spelling - NOD32, although today ESET NOD32 software is also supported by 64-bit operating systems

Yakі can be robiti, owe robiti for those who cannot.
And who needs to speak for the quiet, who can't have a voice.

You can laugh, ale millioni koristuvachіv koristuvachіv koristuvachiv goiter to your calm ... socialism. So, so, to that very socialism, which is often called the ally of the peoples, the dead-end road of historical development, and that was given behind the list. For socialism itself, programs were created, virnish, prototypes of programs, based on skin koristuvache.

I have already told you about it, and the axis is about ESET NOD32- still not. So the axis, friends, ESET NOD32 is no less glorious past. Yogo іstorіya began in the distant 1987 rock.

And so, say: 1987 r_k, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.

How everything started

If you didn’t practice at all on computers of the 80s, then don’t get embarrassed - you didn’t spend so much. Today, it is possible to sing less than a laugh, but the first computers are not small. And the viruses were already there. What an unfair imbalance, don't you know?

One of these viruses, the last name of "Viden", was detected on their computer by young programmers from Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovak Radyansk Socialist Republic). Miroslav Trnkaі Peter Pashko. Others would panic, and the boys themselves would go on the attack: they did a good job, and they saw the infection. It's a pity that viruses are not appendicitis, and the problem does not disappear in the future: in no time the programmers again had a chance to develop new anti-virus solutions for new threats.

After an hour, it became clear that the creation of an anti-virus zakhist needed to be led to a higher level, fortunately, it crossed over to the right, that knowledge came out. The future millionaires had an idea to write a program, as if it would massively see shkidlivy code, and not zavdavat hopeless dotted strikes.

As you can see, maybe they figured out that this program became the progenitor of the successful NOD32. Before speech, do you know why NOD i 32? Do not joke in this abbreviation as a taєmny komertsіyny zmіst, it’s more, there’s nothing there. In the whole world, the NOD32 program is named after the serial Nemocnica na Okraji Mesta, popular at that time in Slovakia. Turning on creativity, our keyboard geniuses call the program "Nemocnica na Okraji Disku" ("Licarna on the outskirts of the disk").

The number “32” means a great rank. Although the number of bits in today's systems has long exceeded 32, the figure has died down in space, becoming part of the brand.

E SET stands for "Essential Security against Evolving Threats". What in translation means "Effective defense against threats that evolve."

NOD go ahead

In early 1988, one of the flagship titles in the company's history was released - the first version of NOD for MS-DOS was released. The program did not become very popular at all. Step by step, improvements and improvements were made to the post-cob version, and they started talking about NOD. And then we started and first. Vinyl needs to be in official status, official and more than a trademark.

In 1992, roci Miroslav, Peter and people with watchful names Rudolf Rude registered the company ESET. The first office of the future giant of the anti-virus market is located in the modest Bratislava (Slovak region). Then we will have representative offices in 180 countries and millions of surpluses, until the companions have been making kintsy z kintsy.

Until 1998, the age of the anti-virus business was faster, livelier, lower color and expanded. Everything changed in the same 1998 after the release of NOD32 1.5 for Windows 98. Success came, the new program was more and more respected. So, the future NOD32 1.0 for Windows 95, however, did not give a special triumph to the product.

And the axis version of NOD32 2.0 for Windows XP was commemorated far beyond the borders of Slovakia. Hundreds of thousands of koristuvachivs have succumbed to the fact that NOD32 is generally pretty: impervious to computer resources, not hanging on the system and good for viruses.

Before speech, about viruses. Since the program is still anti-virus, then it may be as if it were recognized, as I saw the ESET product on aphids of competitors. І tsya vіdminnіst bula. Im'ya youmu - ThreatSense. This is a special technology, which helps to expand the heuristic scanning. ESET itself was the first in the world to expand and zastosuyut the technique of expanded heuristics.

Forget your eyes, I will understand that the term "heuristically scanned" needs to be deciphered. In short, it is more heuristic to scan - tse forks and other viruses, brought to special databases, and still unknown infection. Otherwise, it seems like a virus base of your antivirus has not yet been updated and does not retaliate against the news about a new virus, then NOD32 with a great ability to slander and despoil.

Glory and glory ESET NOD32

Here, in the middle of the "zero" antivirus ESET NOD32 has already reached the international level, and it has become not shameful to submit yoga to professional competitions. The result is true for itself - today ESET NOD32 is the most titled anti-virus software in the world for the version of the most prestigious award Virus Bulletin. Already in 2008, the number of NOD32 was 50 per city, and until the end of 2010 - over 80. An antivirus in the world could not achieve a similar result. Obviously, more and more, no less authoritative certificates, awards and diplomas.

At the same time, the company expanded its product line, adding new propositions to it for its customers. This is how ESET NOD32 Smart Security and ESET NOD32 TITAN appeared. Rinok eagerly accepting new items, go uphill. In 2005, a representative office of ESET in Russia was established.

Today, ESET products are successfully promoted for leadership positions in the lighting software market. All products of the company have proven themselves to be the most economical solutions, which do not enter into the lives of coristuvachivs. While people were fighting off heart attacks and important forms of inflammation, NOD32 was quietly attacking viruses while playing heather in the antivirus of Kaspersky.

Shards in the ESET company do not rest on their laurels, it is possible to predict further growth in the popularity of their anti-virus products. As long as it's one of the best antiviruses in the world, it's not scary to trust your computer. A good product, for which you don’t have to pay.

ESET is a leader in the field of development of advanced solutions for IT security against cyber threats. The company was founded in Bratislava (Slovak region) in 1992. With this, the unique scanning technology implemented in ESET products changed the foundations of the company and in 2012 marked its 25th anniversary.

ESET people

The history of the ESET company takes its cob from the distant 1987, when two young enthusiastic programmers, Peter Pashko and Miroslav Trnka, knew one of the world's first computer viruses. The threat was given in the name of "Viden" and a program was written for its manifestation.

It was not without reason that a lot of other viruses were discovered, which served as the birthplace of the idea of ​​developing a universal software solution to fight against certain types of threats.

1992 The fate of young programmers together with their friend Rudolf Hrubiy officially fell asleep the partnership with the “ESET” subdivision.

The anti-virus program, over which only a small number of enthusiasts worked on the back of the mind, has changed over the years on the legendary solution in the security room, as today it is considered one of the most seen and most effective in the world. The high quality and stability of the work and the emergence of the first concept of the creators - the development of advanced technologies available to the great coristuvachi.

Through the years the company has developed and expanded, but in the course of time it has lost its true to its philosophical principles - viability, excellence and honesty, as in the future, with innovations, they continue to be deprived of the destructive power of success.

Current hour

ESET is the leader in the distribution of anti-virus software. From the head office near Bratislava (Slovak region), the headquarters near San Diego (USA), Wexford (Ireland), London (Great Britain), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Prazі (Czech Republic) and Singapore, as well as a large number of spivrobitnikіv over 700 specialists , ESET products secure the best protection of the digital world in more than 180 countries of the world.

Starting from 2005, ESET anti-virus programs are officially introduced in Ukraine.

The high quality of ESET products today is confirmed by more than 100 million employees in the whole world, as well as by independent experts and authoritative knowledge. ESET Solutions regularly otrimuyut awards and recognition from specialists of test laboratories AV-Test, Virus Bulletin, AV-Comparatives, ICSA, Passmark and others. Krym tsgogo, the ESET company is one of the few vendors of anti-virus software, the product line of which has taken away the expert services of the Sovereign Service of the Special Communication and protection of information in Ukraine is relevant. These certificates confirm the possibility of winning the ESET solution from all state, financial, international and other organizations.


  • A new generation of ESET products for the Mac OS X platform has been released - a comprehensive solution for ESET Cyber ​​Security Pro® and an extension of the ESET Cyber ​​Security® product.
  • The solution of ESET Smart Security 6 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 was presented to the whole world.


  • Falling leaves have a new generation of ESET flagship products for home care workers - ESET Smart Security 6 and ESET NOD32 Antivirus 6 - officially presented in Ukraine.
  • The current business versions of ESET products were taken away from the fall of the leaves by experts from the DSRSZI of Ukraine.
  • In spring, the ESET company celebrated its 20th anniversary of the moment of falling asleep.
  • In the early days of Google Play support for mobile devices under the control of the Android OS, a new solution for anti-virus attacks on smartphones and tablets was presented - ESET Mobile Security for Android.
  • A new science and heritage center in Canada on the territory of the prestigious Polytechnic University of Montreal was opened at the square.
  • At the birch, ESET took part in the biggest event in the world of mobile technologies - the GSMA Mobile World Congress 2012, which was held near Barcelona.


  • For example, ESET is included in the list of companies that are developing the most, in the field of high technologies, it is ranked with the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 rating in Central Europe and it has become the only company that has taken place in this rating ten times since then. Previously, the ESET company once again made the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 list in the EMEA region.
  • In Veresni Richard Marko, Vikonavchiy Director of the company ESET, the name of the specialty in the field of IT in the Slovak region.
  • In spring, the locals were presented with a new generation of ESET flagship products - ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5 and ESET Smart Security 5.
  • In the fall, ESET moved up to the number of the best European companies and was honored with the HSBC European Business Awards 2011. ESET moved up to the top ten European companies in the nomination "Innovation to the Rock" and deservedly won "Ruban d'Honneur" ("Ruban d'Honneur").
  • The latest business versions of ESET products were taken away by the experts of the DSRSZI of Ukraine.
  • Chervny has another office near Slovakchyna, a service center and a distribution center near Kosice.
  • The apartment had a first decision to defend computers under Linux OS controls.
  • At the same time, Richard Marko became the new vice director of the ESET company.


  • The first company that became the Volodar of the 60th city "VB100".
  • In the fall of the leaves "CRN Magazine" included Miroslav Trnka, the former director of the company ESET until 25 innovative designers in 2010. At the same time, ESET was awarded the title "Company of Rock" for the version of TREND, which is popular among the Slovak economy.
  • At leaf fall, a solution was presented for the invasion of Mac OS X platforms - ESET Cybersecurity.
  • In the spring, ESET has announced the release of the ESET Mobile Security solution for mobile devices under Windows and Symbian.
  • The ESET company gave the company COMDOM Software - a Slovak maker of solutions that will secure the defenses in the unfortunate region.
  • Opened a new ESET office in Asia and the Pacific region - in Singapore.
  • In birch, the current business versions of ESET products were taken away by experts from the DSRSZI of Ukraine.
  • At the same time, Richard Marko, director of the ESET company, has risen to the TOP-25 of the best technical kerrivniks in the whole world for the version of the CRN.


  • Solution submitted for ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 and ESET Smart Security 4.
  • For the first time, ESET was awarded the title of "Company of Rock" for the version of TREND, popular among the Slovak economy.
  • The current business versions of ESET products were taken away by expert visnovki DSSSZI of Ukraine.
  • ESET is included in the Gartner Magic Quadrant list of the analytical company Gartner.


  • Acknowledged from ESET, LLC USA.
  • Vіdkrittya to the center of distribution near Poland.
  • Volodar 50-ї hedge Virus Bulletin.
  • Attachment of the Czech corporation Setrnet.


  • ESET products are officially presented in Ukraine.


  • ESET has suddenly become the leader of the city of IT-company in the Slovak region.


  • The first independent lot of the ESET company was at the CeBit exhibition in Hannover, Nymechchina.
  • The ESET company took away the recognition of the city "IT-company Roku" in the Association of Information and Communication Technologies (Slovachchyna).
  • ESET is now included in Deloitte's Fast 50 CE and Fast 500 EMEA lists.


  • Thank you for emailing ESET from Prazі (Czech Republic).


  • Announcement of ESET's announcement from San Diego (USA).


  • The NOD32 anti-virus program took the first place in the city from the Virus Bulletin test.


  • Release of a new version of the anti-virus program under the name NOD - iCE.


  • Rudolf Hrubiy, Peter Pashko and Miroslav Trnka officially registered ESET Spol. s.r.o. in Czechoslovakia.
  • Submission to the Slovak Anti-Virus Center (SAC) and SAC BBS.


  • Ear of sales through A.T.A. syndicate.
  • The first version of the product under the name STOPVIR was launched for sale on the Austrian market.


  • Peter Pashko and Miroslav Trnka created the first version of NOD anti-virus software.
  • The abbreviation NOD is an abbreviation for the name "Nemocnica na Okraji Disku", which in translation means "Likarnya on the edge of the disk" by analogy with the popular TV series "Likarnya on the outskirts of the city".