Home Internet Kyivstar hot line telephone operator. How to call a mobile phone operator: simple decision. How to call the MTS operator, as well as other options for getting unnecessary assistance

Vlasniks of the company's tariff package with a steel connection were asked how to telephone a live Kyivstar operator. Regardless of the presence of robots and voice menus, solutions to many problems that plague mobile phone users are possible only with a live call to a call center. The company provides home Internet services and a telephone connection, which, when connected to the company's internet connection, helps provide a power connection and a worldwide network.

If you can’t or don’t want to rummage around in a special office for a long time in search of any costs, you can call the Alert Center with customer service directly and find out about food problems. Try contacting the call center from a mobile device of another operator or a landline communication device. Follow the current sequence of actions:

  1. Simply dial 0 800 300 460.
  2. Select your language (Russian or Ukrainian).
  3. Tisnemo 9.
  4. Auto-show will override menu items. If you need to make an additional payment, then press 1. Contract subscribers press 2.
  5. If you send a request to the client center's telephone number, you will not be able to check your account and talk to the operator. Calls from mobile and other telephone companies and landline devices are free of charge.

You can call the following short numbers to quickly obtain necessary information:

  • replenishment of rahunku - 433;
  • To spend in the service menu, dial 444;
  • to remove information before the end of the day - 455;
  • Interactive auto-reply is available via contact - 477.

Call to Kyivstar from a contract or prepaid number of this measure

It is much more difficult to reach a call center with a prepaid telephone number or for contract subscribers. Check out the upcoming events:

  1. Dial 466 from your mobile device. All calls are free of charge.
  2. If your home Internet power supply fails at your telecommunications company, dial 460.
  3. Please vote on the menu. Select your language. Press 9.
  4. Type 1 or 2 in the field under your tariff plan and contact the customer service center.

Calls to Kyivstar from behind the border

Another way to connect to the Kyivstar operator in roaming? To cancel the cost-free payment from the Kyivstar company from behind the cordon, you can make a request by typing the following combination of numbers on the phone’s keyboard: * 105 * 466 #, after pressing the click. Every day, check the incoming call from the customer service center with the contact number 80674660466. You can ask for food in the Kyivstar live chat on Viber.

Please note that calling the call center from a mobile phone of another steel company is much simpler and faster than using a device with a contract or prepaid Kyivstar package. By logging into a special account on the company’s website from your computer, you can view information about your tariff plan, tariff plan and the possibility of updating another tariff.

Remember that a wide variety of food can be obtained by simply sending the USSD command from your device. In this way, information about the tariff plan, terms and conditions of the tariff package becomes available.

Often the mobile phone subscriber experiences problems with power supply because it is not possible to make decisions using the voice assistant and automatic menu. Nowadays, people are starting to look for a way to contact a live consultant who can solve their problem.

As you know about the Kyivstar mobile phone operator, you can connect with a Call Center representative in a number of ways, depending on where you are located and what phone number you want to dial.

I wondered what could be done to get in touch with the operator? Of course, everything is simple, as the required numbers are entered in the address book of your mobile phone. What should we do if we don’t have the necessary telephone numbers? Let us help you!

Now, there are a number of paths that you can follow to connect with the operator, select the appropriate one - and go ahead! If you are in your own country, you can call a consultant at a cost-free short number, which we will know a little later.

If the subscriber has moved outside of Ukraine, he will need to call for a different phone number, as the short service number will not be processed.

If your SIM card has been blocked, you can now contact consultants by calling a special number using your local phone number. Well, you can definitely get quick online support on the official website of the Kyivstar company.

Call the Life operator using a short, cost-free number

If the subscriber is located within Ukraine, you can freely call the customer service center using the short number 466.

By following the voice menu prompts, you can dial your number, listen to current information about current promotions and special offers, connect and switch off various services, check and renew your balance Also contact the operator.

If you only want to connect with a “live” consultant, you can immediately press key 5. After that, you need to press number 2, so you will be switched to the operator’s main menu.

We check and press the “9” key to connect with the operator, now you will register the appointment with the consultant. Select one of the items and check the connection.

This can take up to an hour, due to the high level of engagement of the staff of the Call Center of the Kyivstar company.

Call the operator using a federal number

Customers on prepaid tariff plans can contact a representative of the consultation center by calling the local telephone number +380444662466. Holders of contract packages of the Kyivstar operator can call the operator at +380444660466.

The need to call landline phones may occur when the phone is lost, there are problems with communication or problems with the SIM card.

For fixed-line subscribers in Kyivstar, available telephone numbers for connecting with company consultants are 0800300460 or 460.

For corporate clients, the following contact numbers have been provided - 080030000 and +380444900000. Please note that for faster processing of various services there is a special short number 477.

How to call the Kyivstar operator from a mobile phone in roaming

If the subscriber is located outside the home boundary, or behind the cordon, then you should know that these numbers do not operate in roaming.

To communicate with representatives of the Kyivstar company from behind the cordon, you need to create a USSD request by typing the combination * 105 * 466 # on the keyboard of your mobile phone and pressing the key.

This service is called “Device in roaming”. After sending the request, the subscriber will receive a notification about confirmation of the request, after which the operator of the extension service will call this number from the service number +380672222466. This service is paid, and the tariff is 5 hryvnia per khvilina rozmovi.

Other ways to contact an operator

If for some reason you have not been able to contact a Kyivstar representative, we recommend that you go to the official website of the company, which is located at kyivstar.ua, where you can find the information you need.

There is also an access to the Special Account, where you can get acquainted with detailed information about your number.

We cannot live without a mobile connection. Operators, in their turn, apply maximum force in order to make the steel bond more clear. And the customer support service plays a role in this. Once you have telephoned there, you can disconnect the power line from your mobile phone.

There are situations when people don’t know how to reach a call center operator. This article will help with this nutrition. For example, the Kyivstar support service will be considered.

Some ways to contact the Kyivstar operator

To contact the operator, use a special short number 466. This is the structure of the voice menu for contract and prepaid subscribers of the Kyivstar Rizna network. From this article we will figure out how to reach an operator for all types of subscribers.

prepaid subscribers

  • Dial the free number 466.
  • It is important to listen to the voice menu.
  • Sometimes, before the main sections of the auto-send menu, you need to familiarize yourself with promotions, personal offers and other similar information. Without another click, press the corresponding button with a number and go to the main menu.
  • By pressing the corresponding key, you need to select the “Tariffs” section.
  • We hear about tariffs and other financial services. At the end of the text you will be prompted to listen to the information again, return to the front menu or contact the operator. Press the number 9 and check the connection.
  • Hour after hour, Kyivstar, before establishing contact with the operator, proposes to take part in training about the dangers of mobile communication. If you wait, you will be welcome. Be careful that you won’t be contacted by the operator until you pass the training.

contract subscribers

Kyivstar is one of the largest steel operators in Ukraine. It provides a new range of services (3G), including home Internet. The Kyivstar network support service number is used to connect network subscribers with the operator.

Through Denmark Service, the subscriber can be renounced all the non -format about the tariffs of the Wartosta list of the Yak in the automatic regime (autoinformer, robot), so in the process of spіlkavanna z “Living” the SPIVRICHICH PDITRIMMA.

In the most difficult and confusing situations, for example, when changing the tariff plan, or writing off bills from the account or connecting to services, customers prefer to contact the operator as quickly as possible. So, most Kyivstar subscribers want to talk to the agent themselves, and not to the Autoinformer.

Autoinformer of the unified service for supporting subscribers of the Kyivstar network.

What is the essence of the problem? Stilnikov, mobile operators in this world are trying to make their connections cheaper. This is due to competition and companies want to capture a larger share of the market. In connection with these companies, including Kyivstar, you should minimize your expenses as much as possible. As you understand, the replacement of a large staff of front office workers with a subscriber support center comes at the expense of such short-term expenditures. Therefore, Kyivstar is trying to automate its support service as much as possible. As a result of this evolution, an auto-informer appeared.

The Kyivstar auto-informer creates information about the popular supply of subscribers without contacting the contact center. Having not found a confirmation for their nutrition, consumers still want to contact a specialist for technical support from Kyivstar and obtain a qualified certificate. Otherwise, the operator completely loses sight of the strap and calls out the real number, a number that must be pressed in order to talk to the operator. Subscribers still have the power to communicate with living people, so not everyone is ready to listen to automatic notifications.

Therefore, clients often complain about the fact that it is impossible to get through to the operator. How do you still get in touch with the Kyivstar representative?

To contact the Kyivstar operator, you need to call the number:

  • 0 800 300 466 for mobile phone subscribers;
  • 0 800 300 460 for home Internet users.

Calls from these numbers are not charged (for subscribers of Ukrainian telephone operators). You can call them absolutely cost-free.

In the middle of Kievstar, you can simply dial the remaining three digits of the number, for example, 466.

How to call the support service, instructions:

  1. Dial number 466.
  2. Then, after checking for a few minutes, press the number 2.
  3. Slightly clear and embossed again 2.
  4. After this you need to press the number 9.
  5. Upon completion of these actions, the automatic assistance system must connect you with the technician, the technical operator. Kyivstar support.

Other ways to contact the Kievstar operator.

  • Information about tariffs and prices can be found in a special section on the official website of the Kyivstar operator at the address: mailing.
  • There you can quickly use the services of the Online Assistant. To send your meals by e-mail using a special form and receive a confirmation by email within an hour.
  • All meals can be purchased through the self-service system, Special Account - My Kyivstar:.
  • Popular foods and types of mobile and home Internet can be found here:

The leading position in the segment of mobile telephony services in Ukraine is occupied by the Kyivstar operator. How to reach the consultation center of your steel operator in various ways will be described in detail within the framework of the material presented to you. It is important to note that today consultations with this operator are free of charge both for contract subscribers and for prepaid tariff plans.

Confirmation for the mobile operator "Kyivstar"

One of the main and largest mobile operators in Ukraine is Kyivstar. In fact, this company was founded in 1994. Ale then it was called BRIDGE. But in 1997, around the time of the launch of mobile networks of another generation, it changed its name and from then on never changed the name. At that time, Kyivstar telephones were very rare and had a small format “+ 38067ХХХХХХХ” (the remaining digits are the subscriber’s middle number). At the same time, the company has been operating for 19 years and has 2G coverage almost throughout the entire territory of the region, and the number of its subscribers exceeds 27 million. Kyivstar phone numbers for today , In addition to the previously entered code, such as: “+ 38096ХХХХХХХ”, “+ 38097ХХХХХХХ” and “+ 38098ХХХХХХХ”. Also, this mobile operator services the numbers of the Ukrainian operator “Beeline” - “+ 38068ХХХХХХХ”. In 2014, the Kyivstar company revoked the license to provide communication services in 3G format. Since the beginning of 2015, the rise of the 3rd generation mobile network in the national format began.

When might you need a call with an operator?

Various situations may lead to the subscriber calling the Customer Service Center of a company such as the Ukrainian operator Kyivstar. How to reach this center will be described in detail and step by step. The first option is financial nutrition. For example, you have changed your tariff plan and you want to know its details. You can, of course, check the auto dial number 466 or go to the official website of the operator. However, not all important moments can be recognized at any time. Therefore, there is only one correct solution left - call the Customer Service Center. Another option is either stealing or wasting your phone. In this case, it will be difficult for you to cope without the help of a reliable doctor. Another failure - the lack of success in any service. For example, you want to connect to the Internet, but cannot find data from the Global Web. In this case, you may have incorrect settings on your mobile device. We call you at the extension number, type in the text, and ask the operator to resend the setup profile. Another problem is when you need to contact the operator of the customer support center - a special kind of promotion that is indicated by a strictly designated telephone number. In this case, you can also find out the number of the customer support center.

ways to get through

There are only two ways to contact the Kyivstar operator. The first of them is connected to a special short service telephone number, which can also be used on mobile devices connected to the network of this operator. And the other method is universal. It allows you to make a call from any phone, including a landline. In this case, you will need to select a special number that starts from 0-800. Either of these methods allows you to call the Customer Service Center without any problems and provide you with all the information provided by the Kyivstar operator. How to reach the support center will be described further below the text.

Call from mobile

The Kyivstar operator (Ukraine) has reserved a short number specifically to encourage subscribers. Tse 466. To dial the Customer Service Center, dial this number and then click the call button. At the same time, we should not forget that the mobile device may be used in the Kyivstar network. Immediately after you request an auto-response, you will be able to connect with a “live” operator. The first voice menu prompts you to cancel your personal bonus (for which you need to press “1”) or continue dialing (for which you need to press “2”). Then press “2” on the keyboard of the mobile device. From the expanded menu, select the item “Information on your number” - embossed “2”. In this section, listen to all the information, auto-send and press “9”. After this, you need to wait an hour until the operator calls. If the call is made at peak times and the center of support for subscribers is very attractive, you may need 15 calls at a time. Well, in all other types of episodes there are 1-2 symptoms at the beginning.

Vikoristovuye landline telephone set

The telephone number of the Kyivstar operator will change when dialing from a landline phone. In this case, it is optimal to use the number 0-800-300-466. The jingle, as stated earlier, is absolutely cat-free. Another number - 067-466-2-466. Both in the first case and in the other case, the voice menu will remain the same. Otherwise, the call from the device based on the mobile operator “Kyivstar” will be paid. Otherwise, once the auto dialer has started, you will be able to contact the operator and obtain information for you.

The article contains three main numbers, for which the Kyivstar operator provides qualified assistance to its subscribers. The easiest way to reach the subscriber support center is through a mobile device connected to a given operator, and by dialing the short number 466. For this type, the call is cost-free, and you can make a personal request immediately Get to know. And it’s better to use the phone if you want to spend or steal it, if you have a handy one, call and dial the new number 0-800-300-466. The remaining number 067-466-0-466 is practically not victorious. You will lose money during low hours if the operator does not have short numbers. While there are no problems with this, there is no special sense in dealing with it. You will change the short number 466.