What is the nfc module. How to add an NFC module to the phone. Description Pluses and minuses

The NFC module is randomly assigned to any payment in one dot. A SIM card with a built-in chip can be used in stores, municipal transport, as well as a contactless “widget” or a business card. This technology has also become stagnant in tablets and smartphones.

Carriers are equipped with mid-range gadgets and more with special adapters that allow you to easily transfer data and other operations. Regardless of the price, it’s too hard to know what the NFC function of the phone is like a smart device.

Additions, which function on the basis of Android, have become equipped with special chips since the release of the 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich operating system. Module of NFS assignments for communication of tablets, telephones, which are located on small stations one by one.

NFC technology in smartphones has such capabilities:

  • Shvidko exchange different files;
  • win the gadget as a pass for different organizations, install it;
  • Make contactless payments in one dot;
  • Save or read the data in the singing format.

Bagatioh protrude koristuvachіv tsіkavit, scho such NFS in smartphones and chi so necessary given the function of koristuvachevі, even if all gadgets are equipped with Bluetooth.

NFS technology is most often used for payments, which means the radius of the signal is minimal. The connection between the phone and the attachment is fixed in a few seconds, ensuring total security, but you can’t say about Bluetooth.

Chi pіdtrimuє pіdtriy іnterfіs nfs

Not all modern gadgets can make such a chip. On Android, you can install simple Bluetooth, which does not allow you to use attachments for secure operations.

How to recognize, what is NFC in smartphones, so that it can be shown with all the advantages. You can change the visibility of this function through the settings, options in the menu of the tablet or phone:

  • Go to nalashtuvan Android;
  • At the row of "Bezdrotovі merezі" push "Dodatkovo";
  • Go to the NFS setup menu.

Having shown the necessary function, the coristuvach can activate or install an exchange. For whom in your deposit is necessary:

  • Put a tick next to the item "Allow to exchange danim";
  • Check the included Android Beam software;
  • If the function did not start automatically, click on Android Beam, then confirm the call.

Note! NFS on Android phones– tse okremia zasіb transfer files, other information, and command attachment. The exchange of data is charged for the assistance of a wireless communication. The chip sends a command to activate the Internet and transfer information.

Some smartphones have NFS

As soon as you know, you need NFC, you can easily win this module for the timing of various operations. May all modern gadgets have this technology. Axis of spear butt:

  • iPhone, starting from the 6S model;
  • Samsung Galaxy S3, LG other models and Xperia X from Sony.

Other virobniks can also please the presence of a slipped device. The NFC function on Android allows you to carry out various operations quickly, safely, which is the main advantage.

Possibility of alternatives for the NFS module

The module can be used in a number of basic modes. And to herself:

  • Active. Offending smartphones are equipped with a special chip.
  • Passive. The model has more than one gadget.

Note! The chip functions in a number of modes. The first victory is to exchange information between smartphones and planets. The purpose of the other is "passing" or a card, when passing in the subway, buying a ticket for a bus.

Contactless payment processing

In the mode of emulation of a plastic card, the NFS chip allows you to pay for services, goods at the terminals. The most widely used services are Android Pay, for iPhone — Apple Pay. The module, installed on smartphones, allows you to attach the data of the card holder, thereby ensuring the operation yourself.

How to pay via NFC on an Android phone:

  • To make a payment, you need a card with a paypass support;
  • Get a special supplement;
  • Move to the special page in the main menu;
  • Select the NPI item;
  • Apply plastic to the back panel of the smartphone so that the module enters the necessary data.

For additional assistance, the NFS master of the gadget can transfer the cost for a thorough purchase into one dotik.

Pay for the fare at the public transport

For the obviousness of the songs, the NFS system can be victorious like an electronic ticket. The introduction of new technology to allow passengers of underground and ground transport to be richer with a chip when passing turnstiles or fixing a trip.

Exchange of information for the help of modern technologies

After activating NFS yoga, you can win for file exchange. In order to increase the strength of information, the coristuvach is guilty of dorimuvatsya sing algorithm.

How to use NFC on smartphones:

  • On gadgets, activate NFS and Android Beam;
  • Offending mobile phones is guilty of pracsyuvati and buti unblocked;
  • If smartphones lean on the handrail, the coristuvach will feel a signal, which will tell you that the gadgets are in the field of visibility.

Respect! It is possible to expand the extension only after the transfer of information is completed. Koristuvachev about tse is known for a clear signal.

Instant scanning of information

Reading for the help of the electronic chip functions for the help of scanning the barcode - tags, ruffled on the nose. The stench step by step comes to change the paper codes and not only the information about the virobnik, but also the warehouse, the term of saving, and other data.

Reading okremikh mitok

The principle of yoga robots is similar to scanning barcodes. But in this situation, it is not the camera on the mobile phone that wins out, but the sensor, folded under the cover. This function is especially familiar to home use.

For the creation of koristuvachev marks, it is necessary to install the program, you can download it through the Play Market. It’s possible to write down the same task on the smartphone’s file independently: “create a reminder”, “send a sheet”, “create a call”.

Most popular programs:

  • ABA NSF. Victory for the creation of simple designations.
  • A device for connecting to a wireless Internet without a password (a smartphone is attached to a gadget connected to Wi-Fi);
  • Smart Tag Maker. Program pіdіyde lіshe vlasnik gadіtіv Sony.

Note! Such marks are passive. It is not necessary for us to eat food to save money. The stench may be a small obsyag, the need for a more reinforced team. Such marks soundTecTiles. For їх skanuvannya, bring a smartphone, after which it is installed with a coristuvachy task, it will be immediately swiped.

What work, what is NFS on the phone?

Most of the smart people in smartphones chirp, like Android Pay without NFC. Mobile phone operators have broken SIM cards with a built-in signal transmission module.

What is robust, if the phone does not support NFC - the first option:

  • Buy a special SIM card;
  • Place її at the slot on the smartphone;
  • The chip is automatically activated.

Note! Follow up on the signalGSMdifferent and lie in the format on the singing outbuilding.

What is robust, because there is no NFC on the phone - another option:

  • pridbati zovnіshnіy pristrіy for carrying out contactless payments;
  • Further, it is necessary to read the instructions on how to install NFC on a smartphone - in most cases, it is simply necessary to fix it on a SIM card;
  • Place at the tray.

Respect! One minus - tse way pidide for gadgets, on which a cover is installed, which is known. Unrecognized models and mobile phones with white slots cannot be equipped with a foreign extension.

Advantages and shortcomings of modern technology

The main advantage of the NFS module is the low energy saving, the availability of versatility, the safety and simplicity of the selection. But in front of them, as an activation of the function, it is necessary to pay attention to the nuances.

How and all accessories the NFC module may or may not last:

  1. Small radius dії. Here is the manager of the deiakoi unhandedness with victorious given technology. From the other side, for maximum safety. The owner of a smartphone cannot pay for the goods in a different way, give a command.

  1. Uncontrolled technology modifications for NFS. Gadget makers "Haomi" and "Sony" help to complete the process of transferring information. The stench independently viroblyaet details, yakі pratsyuyut only with their smartphones or tablets. In order to be worthy of all the advantages of the module, you will be able to purchase mobile phones of singing brands, as well as to install programs for less of these retailers.

Note! The retailers step by step try to use the deacons of the shortfall and make a difference in their technology.

If you don’t know how to connect NFC to your smartphone, or it’s important to work, it’s better to go to a specialized center for help to reach the masters.

The NFS module allows you to carry out purchases in one dotik and carry out other types of transactions. Since there are no functions on a smartphone, you can add a valid chip or a SIM card. To ensure proper security, the phone manager will have to unlock the screen using a finger or PIN code - there is no other way out.

Articles and Lifehacks


Singingly, richly koristuvachіv previously stuck with the abbreviation NFC.

Let's talk about those NFS in mobile phones, as well as about the peculiarities of this core function on Android.

NFC - what is it?

You can decrypt NFC as "near field communication", or "contactless closest connection".

Why is the modern technology of a dartless connection especially important?

In this case, the physical contact of two telephones is not required.

Previously, this technology was most widely used for contactless payments in the sphere of trade and transport services. Today is out of the house for active promotions in the mobile area.

Mayzhe kozhen vodomy equips its attachments with NFC modules.

For example, we can use our mobile phone to communicate with various electronic devices, for example, if we can do it as a payment zasib, having installed a special program.

At tsomu rіven zahist danih to dosit high.

In this way, our mobile appli- cations can be billed not only as a phone call, but also for transmitting and receiving information, paying for purchases, and receiving receipts for transport.

We may have the right to work with a virtual payment card, otherwise it will be a transfer to a business.

In addition, it is also necessary to manually change NFC-tags and smart-cards, as well as to quickly exchange information.

Near Field Communication technology (or NFC for short) has become more popular than ever as a help for contactless payments.

However, everything is richer, wider, lower at first glance.

Tsya tekhnologiya nada drotovy vysokoyaksny zv'yazok, which may even have a small radius of diameter (up to 10 cm).

Tsey zv'yazok nadaє mozhlivіst zdіysnyuvati zdіysnyuvati zdіysnyuvaty zdіysnyuvaty zvіznі dannymi іzh pristroyami, scho znahodnіyіvі nezmeserednіy proxіvnostі.

So, if you win a SIM card with a given technology chip, you can win it like a payment card or, for example, a key card.

NFC is based on Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). Tse іdentifіkatsіya radio frequencies, yak pratsyuє automatically.

Data is saved in the so-called transponders, which are designated as NFC tags. And the radio signal to rob zchituvannya that record of data.

Radio channel technology supports both active and passive attachments.

So, for example, NFC technology adapters can wind key fobs.

Smartphones are becoming more and more often wearers of technology. A lot of hacks add gadgets with high-quality NFC adapters.

And if someone doesn’t know until now what NFC is in smartphones and how it works, the proteo function sometimes shows up like a river.

What is NFC?

To rewrite the name of this technology, it literally means “near field communication”.

As a matter of fact, it is a non-dartless link, which is a kind of dіє on the arc of a close vіdstanі.

The very same attachment, which NFC adapters can use, should be familiar with each other, but only in that case, if the stench is known to be instructed (no more than 10 cm one in one).

This technology can be mastered for various purposes.

So, for example, a phone, which NFC module can be built, can become a bank card or a transfer to any mortgages.

Until then, the function of transferring mittevo is exchanged with files and messages.

However, for any offence, you should install a special program that reads NFC tags.

Otherwise, the phone may have a SIM card with an NFC chip.

Phones based on Android allow you to override the NFC function from version 4.0.

In this hour, attachments with NFC tags are more and more often found in various fields. So, for example, with the help of an NFC adapter, it is possible to book tickets, as well as their sales.

Also, at some places for an additional building with NFC, you can pay for parking or travel by public transport.

The most active NFC chips are in use in the sphere of services and in the sphere of control and security of access to special data.

Features of NFC in smartphones

For smartphones, there are three most popular NFC technology options:

  • Readout mode. This function allows you to read passive tags.
  • Card emulation. For an additional option, it is possible to win a phone as a card (a bank card or a transfer card).
  • R2R. This is the mode that allows two phones to exchange money, being able to communicate with each other.

On the right, in that which wears technology, it can only be a phone that has an NFC module. Tobto chip vbudovaniya pristriy.

With whom it is communicated that the wine will be inseparable from the coristuvachy, so that the mother can attach herself to the most efficient functions.

Even if the phone is in good hands, and the axis of the payment card may not appear, instruct even the smartphone with the module to replace it.

Also, NFC allows you to pay for purchases directly from a virtual store, which represents more wealth (even if you don’t need to transfer a card into cooking).

Also, the choice of functions can be used to identify the holder of various bonus cards or other tickets.

NFC tags

Marks are called the songs of the information zone that are being programmed. Ring them out at the posters and billboards.

So sometimes you can get caught on the police with products from the great hypermarkets.

When reading them, you can take out additional information, send messages and watch the video (for example, trailers before).

Tim is not less, except for the exchange of files and information between devices, the NFC function can be enabled to record and read data from the different installed NFC tags, as well as SIM cards, which may have the same chip.

On the right, in the fact that such chips can make a small expansion.

Tse allow vbudovuvat їх at different outbuildings and outbuildings. They can be business cards, price lists of goods, stickers and labels, bracelets, key rings, etc.

However, the process of working with NFC tags transmits a sing-algorithm that works for additional special software on smartphones.

However, such programs are faceless and skin s of them are recognized for a certain amount of data.

And also use programs that allow you to program information from the label on your smartphone.

Scanning marks

You must first enable the NFC function on your smartphone. After that, activate the screen.

After - after touching the phone to the tag, the prote will work so that the NFC adapter from the smartphone is torn to the tag.

If the gadget automatically sends information, as it is entered into the chip of the tag, it will automatically display it on the screen. However, for її povnogo review happen to be pressed on the screen.

Transferring a music file

It is necessary to turn on the NFC function on both devices and activate the screens of smartphones. Go to the file that saves multimedia space.

Vіdkrivshi media library, you need to choose your needs. Before the hour of recording, the file will be automatically transcribed to another device.

However, it’s safe to change that in order to transfer the file, you need to turn the phone and reverse sides one to one and adjust them so that the NFC icons stick together.

When the phone is successful, the phone will vibrate, after which it is necessary to delete one or two of them, which will help reconnect, so that you can start transferring files.

After overpowering the media file on the receiving phone, the file will be created automatically, and you can know it at a special stop.

However, varto vrahuvaty, that when the audio is on the transmission attachment, the transmission will also be heard.

NFC chi Bluetooth?

On the right, Bluetooth and NFC technologies are similar to each other for the principle of diy. Prote difference in them is obvious.

So, if you talk about NFC, then the hour of the start of this function becomes one tenth of a second, which is an absolute advantage over Bluetooth.

Before that, the small radius of NFC can be more protected.

However, NFC transmission speed is significantly lower, and it can be close to one to one (it can be equal to IC ports on older phones).

That is why technologies are developed for various purposes.

So, for example, Bluetooth does not work for paying for goods, or as a pass, but it’s also not enough money and it’s possible to overpay for payment data.

Until then, the practical instant connection of NFC attachments does not take a lot of time.

However, at the time of transferring large volume files, Bluetooth will appear more appropriate, but the speed of data transfer is significantly greater, and it will not require a trivial installation at the closest possible distance.

Until then, the development of bank payments will be progressive, so that it will lead to a greater demand for NFC modules.

So, for example, light payment systems and banking corporations create cards from embedded NFC chips.

Recently, a number of companies have created a special Google Wallet service, which transfers installation to smartphones based on .

This program allows you to convert the gadget to a credit card, which you can pay for purchases or make payment in terminals.

However, for which terminal it may be equipped with PayPass technology, as NFC chips are readable.

How to understand, what is the NFC function on smartphones?

On the right, the fact that a modern smartphone does not have an NFC adapter can be used. However, people do not allow such a function to be obvious on their gadgets.

The devices are placed on the battery or on the body of the phone with Near Field Communication or just the NFC logo.

Tim is no less, there is a way to reverse the presence of an NFC adapter on a smartphone. For whom is it necessary to vikonati low diy:

  • Go to the smart phone setup menu;
  • Vіdkriti "Bezdrotovі merezі" and press "More ...";
  • As a function on the phone, you can also add an NFC option.

Activating the NFC function

Since you have been appointed for the additional function of the NFC gadget, it is necessary to allow the use of an adapter to allow you to exchange data with other devices that support NFC.

For activation you need:

  • Go to the nalashtuvan menu;
  • Then in the "Bezdrotov Merezhi" press "Sche ...";
  • І check the box (switch the toggle switch on some outbuildings) on the item "allow the exchange of data in case of mixed outbuildings with other outbuildings";
  • If the Android Beam function is to be automatically activated, the prote is no longer there, then it is necessary to press “So” at the window to activate this function.

The inclusion of Android Beam functions between NFC capabilities, if combined, and overpowering data between devices.

NFC and data exchange

After activating the NFC function, you can win the transfer of data (for payments, the transfer of data is also required).

However, for the distant settlement of that exchange of data, it is necessary to return a few points:

  • Both add-ons may have Android Beam enabled, as well as NFC;
  • In both annexes, the activation of the screen is to blame, in which case the sleeping or safe mode is turned off;
  • Offended by the outbuildings, they say a signal or a vibration about the success of the meeting, the prote for which it is necessary to add close to one to one, de insertions of the NFC chip;
  • It is necessary to add a charge until the transfer is empty, and the phone does not tell about the end of the exchange of money.

Transfer of data

On the right, in the fact that it is independent of the data, the way the Android Beam functions are transferred is the same.

So do not change the wines and in the fallow land of the possessed and transferred to the annex. Yogo's algorithm is as follows:

  • open a file (content) that needs to be transferred;
  • fit one to one with rear panels;
  • get confirmation of the call for an additional signal of vibration;
  • press on the screen "press to send data";
  • click on the screen to exchange money on the cob;
  • get a message about the cob of transmission;
  • put a little bit on the attachment, the proteo does not remove them more lower by 10 cm;
  • receive a sound signal about the completion of the transfer of data.

Transfer of grants

The great advantage of NFC is that it allows you to transfer APK files. Prote, it's not that simple.

Replace the file itself, attach the message to the Play Store program. If you are stable, you can easily go through the effort and take advantage of the program, and not fool around in every possible way.

Transfer of web pages

So, just like when transferring attachments, attachments are sending a message to the web site, which allows you to quickly open it on the extension, taking over the help of the browser.

Tse bude automatically after the otrimannya possilannya.

Video transfer from YouTube

You can figure out that it’s the same, like in the front, if you give it more than you can, like it’s automatically done by a special program on Android, and the video is more likely to be done right away.

Attachments supporting NFC

The first device to introduce the NFC function, becoming the Nokia 6131, was launched in 2006. However, at that time, this function was absolutely not required and marna through the availability of infrastructure.

Prote in Denmark, the NFC function can be more and more outbuildings. One of them is the Sony Xperia S with a dual-core processor and an HD screen.

This phone is based on Android and can have two NFC tags, which are called XPERIA SmartTags.

They allow you to program the launch of songs, if the phone is at the radius of the NFC robot.

More and more companies are using NFC chips in their own or launching devices (do not run smartphones) with modules. So, for example, Intel is planning to do some research with NFC chips.

Samsung is also increasingly adding NFC functionality to its outbuildings.

Taking into account that such great companies are more and more often talking about the presence of NFC attachments in savvy people, we can assume that such a function will appear in all smartphones without a hitch, which will allow the masses to win.

Important moments NFC

Just talk about those that have NFC on smartphones and how to tell them how to understand and recognize a number of singing moments, as well as the “return bee” of stopping the function.

The NFC function allows you to significantly lighten the scope and congestion of low everyday objects, which are sometimes not easy to carry around with you.

Prote varto razumіt, scho takozh tsya tekhnologiya at the song plan simplifies deakі speech, zocrema nourishment of safety.

I want, in parallel with the same, the NFC function is more secure, just keep in mind that not everything is so simple.

Oskіlki tekhnologiya pratsyuє іlki on blіkіy vіdstanі, іnіklyuchennya її arno, protіyno vmikati-vimikati funktsіyu tezh not ruzhno.

Axis and go out, so we can secure the security of our data only after the function is turned on, however, in this case, the security is significantly reduced and the function becomes practical.

On the right, if the NFC function is used as a mobile device, the password, pin code and other similar ones, do not worry about the safety of data.

So, for example, embezzlement / theft of the phone threatens that the attackers can use other devices from NFC, take your data, take pennies from the mobile phone, or pay them here.

If you want to know something, what can be brought up to about the same conclusions and the cost of gamants. That function is apparently safe. Keep everything in respect and respect.


A lot of Android-based devices may already be equipped with NFC chips. However, the zastosuvannya tsієї funktsії, still, signifi- cantly bordered and may not be wider than wide.

At the same time, the function wins as the possibility of contactless payment for services, however, the zastosuvannya can not start and not creak.

Warto know that NFC technology is being introduced to such famous companies as Sony and Philips.

Two corporations joined together to create a new standard for radio communications. After one hour, you will have to remove the name Near Field Communication (NFC).

Until many companies have tried to try and create this kind of technology. So, until 2002, both companies had sales with the names MIFARE (Philips) and FeliCa (Sony).

Although the technologies were similar, the development of confusion could not be due to a number of reasons.

After a certain hour, the offending corporations realized their shortcomings and shared a strong idea that the combined knowledge and resources would help reach the bugger, as a result, it turned out that way.

The stench ate all the advances of the previous sales and did their best to reduce the shortfalls. Before that, with the head of the method of expansion, there was the possibility of stosuvannya in practice.

NFC has always been focused on a couple that transfers of a different kind of data between outbuildings, which do not appear to be between themselves.

However, more often than not, only electronic devices could become such devices, and later it became clear that NFC can be installed in other devices and objects.

Also, the technology allows you to instantly remind the extension, which is in close proximity, which has led to a number of other problems with this technology.

Until then, the transfer of data is required immediately after the connection (only in other cases, you need additional data).

This technology is implemented in the simplest and most handy visual-chip. It works both in active and passive modes.

So, as an active attachment, it works like a pass or a key, and as a passive one, it transmits recorded / programmed information.

Although at the moment the NFC technology is winning very passively and in other areas of the world, we can let it go, if the time is not so rich and won't be widely popularized in the world.

Already at once it is possible to understand that it is possible to reach great areas.

And that means, better for everything, the technology has penetrated into the various spheres of human life, it is possible to instill in those yaks, and it is not possible to reveal it.

The very same smartphones with NFC will soon be on the skin rose, and their value is significantly higher.

A lot of corporations are aware that the implementation of such a project will give significant results in the future.


Saving time


Link to NFC stickers

At the time of writing, the article is only built on Android and Windows Phone supports this technology, so the Apple authorities can decide to buy another add-on. Windows Phone masters can read the article for understanding how to install NFC stickers, and Android masters can read the instructions, so that they are written for the operating system itself.

What does NFC technology promote when there are special stickers? For the cob, poke the stikers themselves, yakі represent the subject of a thin ball.

The stench can look different, the ones in them are the ones that in the middle of them have a special NFC chip. It is possible that such a mark is in your intestines, as there is a ticket for travel in the subway (before speech, such a ticket itself and a ticket for work with this technology). So the axis, put your smartphone on such an NFC tag and the phone of the viconate should be discussed further, so that you can finely tune the coristuvach. Your opportu- nities are less limited by your bajans: you can switch the phone to mute mode at the Narad office; you can open a navigation map, turn on GPS and mobile data as soon as you get in the car; on the same machine, you can turn on Bluetooth, so that you can receive calls without calling your phone; you can come to work and connect to a working Wi-Fi network and almost open your calendar; at home, turn on the music; In one word, you can achieve absolutely everything that is worth it. I for the TSOO NEW Tilki Yak at least one stip (you can buy, koskoye is not expensive), I am a bended dodatka in Google Play, the upper can of can do not get tilki il viconati pydnita badges; or connect a headset; otherwise the songful moment of the hour will come, or you will lean in the songful mass. Turn around, є mistse, where fantasies unfold. In the meantime, we’ve got NFC fixed.

How to fix NFC or how to fix NFC tags

So, we need an Android phone with NFC support. Why do we need an NFC tag (you can win a metro ticket). Now you need to download the Trigger program from Google Play, install it and run it. Addendum without a cost, but a professional version with the maximum functionality of a few pennies (those are small). You can turn on the trial version right away. After all the greetings at the menu of My task, click on the plus and the creation of the first task will be cleared, as if it will be turned off when the phone is brought to the mark. Ask us before us to add triggers:

  • WiFi. When choosing one, the next ones will be vikonan if connected, or included in the song line.
  • Bluetooth. The situation is similar with Wi-Fi.
  • NFC. Vlasne and NFC tags. The task is activated when connected to NFC mіttsі (about what we mostly say memo)
  • Battery. Activation for the same battery level. Manually put the phone into economy mode when the charge is low.
  • Hour. Activation at the singing hour.
  • Charge. Activation when the power is connected or switched on.
  • Headset. Activation when a headset is connected (you can immediately turn on the song, having built the headphones into your smartphone).
  • Podiya calendar. I totally understood the name.
  • Agent. I think you will figure it out yourself, but it didn’t go away.
  • Geo parkan. Activation in case of peritoneum as if it were breastfeeding.

Selecting the necessary trigger Wi-Fi technology, Bluetooth and the mode in the air.For my purposes, there was no need for an exchange, so I just continued to fix it, skipping this point. to NFC tag).

  • Bezdrotovі and local merezhі
  • Bluetooth
  • The sounds are loud
  • Screen
  • Social Media
  • Advice
  • Programs and shortcuts
  • Media
  • Agent
  • On the road
  • signali
  • Podії
  • Telephone
  • Samsung
  • planuvalnik
  • Experimental

Choose a group to chirp you, open yoga and choose the necessary action. For example, to turn on the music, you need to select Media, and then check the checkbox in the Enable multimedia box. At the same time, in the same rank, all the tasks you need will be fulfilled, after which the embossing Dali. Deyakі zavdannya will require additional adjustment, for example, Wi-Fi must be turned up or down. After the next additional adjustment, press Add to the order. You can give your manager a unique name, or give it away for promotions, embossed Dali.

Restore the window of the Switch menu. Tse dosit tsіkavy moment, rozuminnya what a butt is needed. Let's say we created an NFC tag, when the phone starts playing music. Behind the logic, one more NFC sticker is needed to create a new challenge for the release of music. Alternatively, you can select the Switching function, so that two turnarounds will switch one and the same sticker. For this menu, it is necessary to press the same plus and add a new order in the way described above, select the right ones there. After the completion of tsikh robit, embossing Ready. Then you need to put the smartphone on the sticker, with which the phone will sync in less than a second. With a positive reaction, it is not enough to press the Done button.

Possible problems when using Trigger

For this program, in addition to Google Play, there are a few different plug-ins, which are necessary for different games. So the Trigger Reuse plugin allows you to re-tap NFC stickers, just like subway tickets. All necessary plugins can be found in the Trigger Plugin help from Google Play. Deyakі z tsikh plіgіnіv vimagayut dodatkovoї installation, deyakі — nі. I think you'll figure it out.

Using NFC technology to pay for metro fares

To use the phone to pay for the metro fare, you need to contact your style operator and specify which one supports this technology (MTS, VimpelCom, Rostelecom exactly supports this technology). In case of positive feedback, it is necessary to replace your SIM card with a special SIM card with an NFC support and activate a special service (technical support or a sales center to help you). If so (theoretically), it is necessary to just pop up the phone at once, so that once the turnstile does not start shouting at you.

For a large number of different mobile attachments and devices, vinyl needs a safe, secure, wireless, non-rotor connection between them. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies actively mastered new niches in the rest of the world, giving the ability to transfer data, share files and videos with social media. Today, cameras are equipped with a Wi-Fi module in order to be able to quickly share pictures and videos. However, these technologies still take a lot of time to set up and get the devices. To this, the world of NFC technology appeared, which allows you to connect mobile devices in just 0.1 s, and then transfer the necessary data. A lot of Russians are already rooting for this technology, to bring up information that is true and how it works.

Robotic principle

The principle of operation of NFC impulses on the induction of a magnetic field: in the devices there are two compact antennas, which are located in the boundaries of the near radius of one and the other. Obviously, when the building is close, a transformer with a repeated core is formed. Here, there is a need for registration, nalashtuvanni and whether there are any additional manipulations - it’s enough to bring one to one, for example, two smartphones and between them, a steady call is established. Stand between compact antennas, used in mobile devices or digital devices, is not guilty of overshooting 20 centimeters. Tіlki in tsomu vipadku viyde nadіyny bezdrotovy zv'yazok mizh devices.

In fact, NFC can be considered, in fact, the continuation of RFID technology, which has already proven itself well. As we know, RFID is ubiquitous on contactless cards and tags. However, NFC may not be better to read information from any passive electronic tags, but it is also possible to secure two-way wireless communication between attachments.

To that, NFC immediately gained respect as a technology that has a significant potential. Andje won't stop not only at phones, but also for the establishment of electronic payments and other areas. The development of a high standard for this technology began in 2004, and the first specifications were published two years later. Another hour has passed, the first NFC appeared to be ready to commercial zastosuvannya.

Today's technology is based on the ISO 18092 standard. When organizing the NFC Forum, it also develops specific technologies, and is engaged in the development and promotion of various industries. For the transmission of NFC information, the frequency is 13.56 MHz, the speed of transmission is 424 Kbps. It is important that the call between the sumptuous devices is established mittevo. Tse maє its pluses not only in terms of transparency, but also for the promotion of security and the protection of unauthorized connections.


Why does NFC radically change, for example, like Bluetooth, as well as small-radius technology that actively zastosovuetsya in today's phones? In fact, NFC has a lot of advantages, among which you can name the following:

— Shvidka shvidk_st vstanovlennya z'ednannya

As we have already pointed out, NFC is likely to be recognized by other droto-free technologies in order to communicate with the security of the installation. The call between the summіsnymi devices is restored in less than one tenth of a second (versus close to six seconds of Bluetooth). For the exchange of information, it is not necessary to “pair” devices. You do not need manual installation for identifying attachments, the connection is installed in automatic mode when the devices are placed on the same wall one type one. At the same time, it should be noted that the NFC data transmission speed comes with the same Bluetooth - 424 Kb / s versus 2.1 Mb / s. Protez looking at the sphere of stagnation of this technology, the situation is not critical.

- Brilliance

For short-term users, NFC will significantly simplify a lot of operations. For example, to transfer digital signs or other files, simply touch one device to another. This very procedure can be completed for the establishment of an electronic payment or transfer of funds. In such a rank, all dії zdіysnyuyutsya literally one dotik.

- Bezpeka

The minimum radius (up to 20 centimeters) from one side is small, and from the other side it positively contributes to the safe exchange of information. Tsya environment to rob NFC-enabled adventitious for zastosuvannya in overflowing expanses or to reach crowded places, where it is possible to overtake data or to connect. Also, the security features of a small attachment with an NFC chip can disable the functions of a work pass, electronic keys for apartment or hotel rooms.

- Universality

On top of Bluetooth, this technology is combined with contactless solutions and RFID structures. In addition, you can work out, navit as one of the sums of devices is not able to live (zocrema, switched off phone).

— Support for other drotoless technologies

NFC can be victorious for the initiation of greater swedish days, meaning simply the improvement of the same Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

- Vіdkritіst

NFC is approved by the standards of ISO, ECMA and ETSI, which are widely extended to the standards of ISO, ECMA and ETSI, in order to use this technology for a wide range of commercial areas and ways to win.

Today, NFC chips are being installed in the most popular outbuildings, but, first of all, there are, obviously, those communicators about smartphones. NFC technology calls for great interest from the side of mobile phone companies and providers. Vtіm, tsim sphere zastosuvannya NFC not zamezhuєtsya. At the offensive part, we will make a report on various options for stosuvanya tsієї drotovoї technology of small radius dії.


The main area of ​​application of NFC technology is, of course, the use of various mobile devices - from smartphones to tablet computers and compact cameras. The first phone equipped with an NFC chip was introduced in 2006. The price was simple for today's Nokia 6131 "layout". At the moment, there have already been hundreds of mobile phones and communicators with an NFC chip, making it possible to transfer data from one device to another with just one dot. Some of the current models of digital cameras are also equipped with Wi-Fi along with NFC, so that you can easily transfer photos and videos to your tablet.

For the help of NFC, it became possible to watch video on the TV screen, as if it were saved on smartphones. For which it is necessary to bring the smartphone closer to the remote control of the TV remote control. For example, in Sony TVs, this function was called One Touch Mirroring. I guessed, in order to get it out of the way, the presence of a built-in NFC chip is needed, both in smartphones and in the remote control itself. Incidentally, the scope of NFC technology in mobile applications and on-the-job accessories is rather different, but there are more prospects for these technological solutions in other areas, for example, in banking.

Card emulation

NFC is also suitable for the implementation of electronic payments, and, apparently, banks, oscalls out of favor of the so-called emulation mode. So, for the help of technology, you can emulate the work of a well-known bank card. Zocrema, koristuvachevi, it is enough to bring your smartphone from the NFC chip to the terminal and you can easily make any payment. Zavdyaki NFC can be created with the help of electronic gadgets. The advantage here is that the technology can be used practically in any device, a smartphone or a key fob.

Like a butt, you can direct the robot to PayPass technology. The essence of її polagaє at the offensive. If the correspondent has a phone with an NFC chip and that NFC bank card is activated in the SIM menu, then you can go to any terminal that will enable the MasterCard PayPass payment function, bring the phone to the required distance (20 centimeters) and the payment will be charged . All duzhe shvidko that zruchno. It is not necessary to enter the interface with the payment terminal, blinking the menu. Sound and light signals become confirmation that the necessary coins have been debited from the account of a bank card. Everything that people need to implement such a solution - on your phone, the NFC chip, more data about bank accounts were uploaded. Next, indicate that the main drivers of NFC expansion are mobile operators. Even more such services are uploaded to the smartphone, more so that the client does not rely on the services of the operator.

Mobile commerce, electronic purchase of tickets, electronic payments - everything is relevant for NFC technology.

Reading the data

Card emulation cream, NFC can be used in readout mode. And here there are enough opportunities for її zastosuvannya. Let me tell you that NFC can be successfully used to read information from electronic boards, and also serve as electronic keys for a car, a hotel room or a house. NFC chip, used in a mobile device, can take data from different objects for the account of smart tags. Zavdyaki ciomu, zokrema, koristuvach can take away additional information about kіnoafіshі or product labels on the counter of the store.

One of the most promising areas for NFC crowding is the system of payment for transportation. Zavdyaki mode emulation smartphone іz vbudovanim NFC chip allows you to easily buy tickets on the train or public transport. You can apply for the purchase of a ticket by pressing the phone to the NFC tag, which is placed on the smart poster. After this meeting, a special addendum is launched and the request is activated for the payment of a ticket. If so, the smartphone works as if it were a prerequisite for reading, reading information, as it is saved in the media. Dali koristuvach confirm the purchase and e-ticket zavantazhuetsya in your phone. Moreover, the data of the ticket is saved in the security elements of the device, why it is impossible to change them.

The price of the ticket is automatically deducted from the account of the correspondent at the mobile operator or from the bank card. The control of fare payment can be carried out behind the help of the turnstile or the controller without intermediary on the route. For whom, the smartphone is simply brought to the annex, which is read, and the receipt of the document is taken to the center of the processing, which ensures the verification. After confirming the authenticity of the turnstile, it is confirmed. The axis in such a simple way and at once in a handy way can be organized by the robot of the system of payment for transport fares. Such systems are being actively developed today.

The choice of smartphones for the help of NFC will ensure the formation of transport accessories of the coming generation. In this case, the phone can carry electronic receipts, which can collect information about the driver, the history of his trips and other data for the transport company.