What is eBay: basic understanding about the auction. Especially valuable items. Video: Corporations - monsters - Ebay

A lot of people I'll call ebay, but far from skin can be more accurate about those who are themselves understanding and able to make purchases on this service. Also, ebay is the largest online shopping mall, so you can't do it any other way. Buying and selling millions of koristuvachivs on this Maidanchik, moreover, the categories of goods can be different.

Shvidko and, smut, far away to make purchases on ebay, it is important to understand the principle of a robotic trading maidan. On the back, the seller will tell you about the sales of the goods, which can be good for sure - avtomobіl, book, mobile, antiquarian rechі і bagato іnshhogo. The seller himself chooses the method of sale: bids are accepted either in front of the auction, or in the mode of mitteva purchase - "buy at once", which allows any willing to make a quick purchase at a fixed price.

If the goods are placed at the sight of the purchase, then the first buyer, who is lucky enough to pay the price set by the seller on the site, will become his master.

If the goods are put up for auction, then the first price set by the seller will be less for the start. І following the announcement of the auction, which is three times a day, it’s possible for that person to come, having proponed the most successful bid.

From recent ebay feasts, becoming a great popularity among the inhabitants of Russia. Unfortunately, there are both positive and negative reviews. In general, everything is brought down to one main effort: when making purchases on ebay, following carefully the information about the product (especially the terms of delivery and її vartosti), and also respect when participating in the auction (about the temova pіde trochі pіznіshe).

In order to gain access to a wide optional maydanchiki, it is necessary to register on it first. For whom, we go to the official website and accept the proposition about registration (two words are put in the upper left corner - Sign in and Register). We choose another option. You will be shown empty in the end, in which it is necessary to fill in the fields: the system will ask you to enter your e-mail, nickname, name, etc. Don't forget to come up with a unique password. It's too much to activate the creations of oblkovy records and you can proceed to the knowledge of the light of ebay.

Let's take a look at the ebay auction interface. So, back to back, let's go to your profile: for whom you need to click on the row of My ebay (it's lined up at the top left corner). Before you see the main information of your profile, which is made up of such updates:

  • Summary - general information about your activity.
  • Bids / Offer - bids and offers.
  • Watch List / Wish List - watch list / pobazhan.
  • All List - all lists.
  • Purchased History - the history of your purchases.
  • Selling - sale.

How to buy on ebay: report instructions

Otzhe, reєstracіya passed, profіl vivcheniy, zapovneniy і vіdkoregovaniy, now you can proceed to the search for the necessary goods and zdіysnennya accepting purchases. In the mountains, there is a row of questions, it is necessary to introduce you the goods into the yak (do not varto describe it too early - the bet will be enough) and start asking.

In a couple of seconds, before your eyes, you will see the results of the search, moreover, the stench can be posted on more than a dozen sides. To indulge yourself in zayvoї work, put a filter, which will allow you to order the knowledge of the goods in such a rank, so that the most suitable for you will be in the first place.

Selecting the vіdpovіdniy goods, you can get the whole cіkava for you іnformacіyu (report description, mіsce roztashuvannya product, rating of the seller, etc.), just enough for someone else click on the name of the lot to bear. In the same place, you can tell how the seller is making sales: you can see the auction or instantly. The first bidder will have a Place bid button, the other one will have a Buy it now button.

As soon as you receive the goods, I will send you a refund, you can cancel the purchase. In times, as the seller has ruled the auction, he will have to take on a new fate. It is important to understand what yoga principle is. Also, for example, the remaining rate for the purchase of goods was 20 $. In any case, you can raise the bet, say, up to $50. If nothing is broken, you can buy the item for $20.

If you are not lucky and if your bid is outbid, then you will either raise your own, or be aware of the chance to buy the chosen product. Before speech, varto respect, scho sing croque rates on ebay skin auctions. For more vipadkiv wines, it costs about 0.5 $.

Porada. Interrupting the bid, you can put your own, or if you beat it in front of the auction, or if you put that one, you value it for the need. And you can speed up the process and save yourself the “vickivannya” of the end of the auction, sitting at the computer, raising the maximum bid, as you are in the gut. In this case, the system itself takes part in the auction, periodically pushing the rate up to the last, until it reaches the established boundary (about which you will be informed).

If you succeed in bidding, then you will also take back the notice on the mail. You don't have to contact the seller to discuss the details of payment for the purchase and the possibility of delivery to your country. Otherwise, you can wait until the seller calls you first.

What is the next uniqueness: “submerged” stones ebay

Dany was especially quiet, who loves to take part in auctions, or is quiet, who only chooses to be more diffident. Therefore, taking part in the auction, remember the main subtleties:

  1. If you don’t have enough great financial “potential”, or else you want to take advantage of the riches, then hurry up with a little cunning for participating in the auction: follow the course of the auction and literally at the end of the month until the close of the lot, raise the maximum bid (within your limits).
  2. Do not forget about the delivery time of the goods - just look at all the information about the lot, first of all, take part in the auction. Іnodі vartіst delivery can change the price of the goods in a quarter of a time. In such a mood, it will be smarter to think about these propositions.
  3. In any case, do not break the rates, which you cannot pay, the chips, whether or not from them, are a priori respected by the binding before payment. And if you don’t get paid, then either you reject the negative feedback (whatever you need) or (what else) your account will simply be blocked.
  4. If you want to bet “at the last” moment (we talked about it in the first paragraph) and if you use a tactful move when bidding, prote, if you place a bet in the rest of the time, you can either know the failure, or pay the deposit.

Respect! The main reason why bidders most often "burn out" in their trials is to place a quick bid in the remaining moment - the so-called "sniper". Tse - bidders, yak zdijsnyuyut their rates literally in the rest of a few seconds (mostly for these purposes, victorious special programs are used).

The axis and reached the end of our article. Obviously, ebay is a majestic Maidan, you could talk about thin robots for a long time. Prote, given a minimum of information to allow you not to be ruined by the whole її raznomanittі and robiti purchase at a reasonable price.

How to buy on ebay: video

EBay is an American corporation that provides services for the sale of goods and the organization of online auctions, interfaces for making payments and online stores. On the back of the resource, having taken the name Auction Web and was founded in 1995 in the USA. To whom did the parties establish the main principles, for which the trade in goods is established on this day. The name ebay was given to the company in spring 1997. In Russia, the official representation of the Internet auction was announced in 2012

The resource depends on other stores, such as the presence of goods, as it is possible to pick up at a time, and the availability of positions, at the same time as open bidding. The auction starts from the minimum amount assigned by the seller for this item. All koristuvachі resource, yakі bazhayut pridbati goods, pіdvishchuyut varіst dany subject to typіr, until the term bid ends and the auction will not be closed.

Sellers can act as firms or physical individuals, and sold can be practical as goods.

Koristuvach, who has propagated the maximum price for a position, is stunned by the winner of the bidding. For a long time, the seller can contact the removerer, or he will immediately send the parcel with the minds of the delivery, as a guess in the prayer.

Registration and payment in the store

Market of trades on the site is accessible by a standard interface to the online store. In the middle of all positions, there are presented new goods such as electronics, clothing and other items of embroidered clothing, as well as old ones.

To make purchases on the site, you need to go through the registration procedure and provide special data. Interface to the site of representations and mine. To pay for any positions on eBay, the PayPal payment system is victorious, as of today it is one of the most popular overseas. Before choosing a service, it is necessary to register a gamble on the official website of the payment system.

April 3, 2013, the PayPal service supports the replenishment and withdrawal of penny coins from the bank account or the card of the account holder.

There are sellers among those who sell goods for the cordon through additional payment for delivery. To make an appointment, click on the Buy it Now button and enter the delivery options for your profile. Before making a purchase, check that the seller is engaged in shipping goods for the cordon (International Shipping) and the delivery rate is satisfied with your mind.

In 2001, roci, ahead of their history, eBay company scored the Fast 500 rating, which is considered an indicator of the IT industry. Tsey rating is carried out by the consulting company Deloitte & Touche for pіatirіchki pіatirіchki. In different markets, the top ten fastest growing companies included Netscape, Onyx Software, Yahoo, Earthlink Network, 24/7 Media, InfoSpace and other American flagship technology companies.
Why, at first glance, the Internet auction was initiated? Reading deaky articles on this topic, hostility is created, that everything has become by itself, literally behind the wave of an enchanting wand, without special zusili from the side of the creators of the company.

Obviously, if you use an enchanting wand that very evil laser pointer of the company's founder, P'era Omidyar, as it was the first item, we'll sell it for an auction, then a piece of truth in every other way. In fact, the history of the most successful company at the time did not develop smoothly in the first hour.

P'єr Omidyar - who is guilty?

P'єr Omidyar - Ebay manager.

Creator of eBay Pier Omidyar, who was born in 1967 in Paris as a doctor. Yogo dad moved his family to Maryland, USA, after taking a job at the medical center at Johns Hopkins University. In 1988, he graduated from the Faculty of Computer Science at Tufts University. Then we worked in one of Apple's distributions, where we got involved in the distribution of software products for the Macintosh.

Already at this hour, P'yer Omidyar was thinking about the idea of ​​promoting Internet commerce.

In the spring of 1995, in San Jose (California), on his special website, P'er Omidyar opened the side of the Internet auction and called it "AuctionWeb". The very same day, 4th of spring 1995, can be celebrated in the afternoon \u200b\u200bof the all-world-wide auction.At first, the auction was absolutely cost-free, and becoming even more popular among the middle of the city. Until the end of the year, thousands of bids a day were packed into the auctions.

In this circle, Omidyar, having established the main principles of integrity and honesty, which the company will inevitably achieve until the present hour.

In 1997, Omidyar decided to rename the site to Echo Bay Technology Group in order to get a link to the resource from Omidyar's consulting firm Echo Bay Technology Group. It turned out that the domain EchoBay.com is the Echo Bay Mines Corporation, which is mining gold. Tom, the domain of im'ya, had a chance to speed up to see us today eBay.com.

Swedish start

At the first rocky isnuvannya auction rapidly gaining wrappers, transforming from a sizable “flea market” into a serious “B2C” portal, the clients of which were both legal and physical individuals. The main thing was the accessibility of the zavdyaka of the new authority of the commission. Other auctions at the same time took close to 30% please please.

Since AuctionWeb has become the most popular auction in the USA in two years, Omidyar understands that the business is becoming more and more popular. Started growing up for the morning business, and vin virishiv commission in rozmіrі 6% vіd vartostі goods. The commissions, like wines, otrimuvav z leather purchase and sale, stained for the sale of the auction. Nezabar business becoming profitable, scho transfer Omidyar's salary to General Magic, and also all the time watching his child. A forum appeared at the auction, on which sellers and buyers could evaluate the reliability and honesty of the skin participant.

In 1997, Omidyar established an active advertising company.

Already in the middle of the rock it was close 800000 trades per day. The number of registered koristuvachs has exceeded a million. Until the end of 1997, the fate of P'єr Volodya was 3 billion dollars in the capital of the company. Vіn having taken the post of Head of the Board of Directors of the company from the day of its creation. In addition, he was the financial director, the vice director and the President, and step by step he left his post.

Administrative "coup" and important pridbannya

At the same time, Omidyar came to Visnovka, where the company could not grow further without a professional expert, who was oriented in business strategy, even in 1998 the number of hits exceeded 10 million. At the jokes of such a fake, Omidyar vіv talk with a lot of ceramics, including , Nini is dead. Jobs at the same time got stuck with the proposition of eBay, but in his bag he robbed himself of his self-reproach, in a yak and turned in triumph.

In 1998, Roci P'jer got to know Margaret Whitman,

Yaka worked at that time as a vice director in the leading company for the production of toys Hasbro. At that time, Margaret, a graduate of Princeton and Harvard, was a successful and demanding manager, she was well versed in marketing processes. In the course of decades of negotiations, Omidyar, having changed his mind, will take up development, leaving the highly paid job at Hasbro.

Appearing in the company of Margaret Whitman was his own.

During this period, richly successful IT-gravities, including News.com and Yahoo!, assessed the prospects of Internet auctions and began to express their own versions. Yahoo! It was necessary to give a good opinion to competitors. As a visitor, they bought local auctions in the rest of the world, having signed an exclusive contract with the Internet provider AOL. Rechecking participants in trading through the databases of credit bureaus made them trust the portal of silent clients, as they were afraid to carry out operations on online maidans.

Other important innovations were introduced.

Recently, a function has appeared that allows you to pay for goods for an additional credit card, and then (in 2002 roci), the company bought the PayPal payment system for 1.5 million dollars, Most popular with the world. We guess that since 1999, eBay was rooted in the Billpoint electronic payment system, as it closed after switching to PayPal. Auction Only Japan did not give up. Here the priority is still pіr vіddayat auction vіd Yahoo!.

Irrespective of the swedish pace of growth, the foundation of the company was not so already bezkhmarny. For example, in 1999, the year 1999 saw a lot of crippled work and service, one of them was 22 years old. In order to turn the trust of clients, Omidyar ordered to bring vibachennya to the main participants of the auction by phone, as a result, about 10 thousand calls were made.

The deyakі vvazhayut that Margaret Whitman did not particularly try for the good of the company, for which she was called.

I thought that she was stooping in the company at that moment, if the company could not help but grow, and the cym simply scurried away. In addition, the name of Meg has built the eBay team, that the company is itself at the same time, uniting the principles of traditional business with the innovations of Internet technologies. Definitely, it is not possible on the food chain. However, for the participation of Whitman, the corporation priddbala in 2005 as the leader in the segment of VoIP-telephony company Skype for 2.6 million. The whole thing was set up so that the participants of the auction could communicate with each other for the help of Skype.

The company's turnover for 1996 was 372 thousand dollars, in 2011 - 431 million dollars.

Tse means what zrist turnovers per statement period 115 874% . Fantastic display, isn't it?
At the same time, one of the most expensive Internet companies in the United States. 18 September 2012 To the end of the year, one eBay share cost $30.34 at the NASDAQ closing auction, and the capitalization on the market $39.4 billion.

2003 brought more than $2 billion in sales. The press reported that more than 95 million people were registered at the auction, and over 45 thousand names of goods were sold. The company is actively expanding in the European and Asian markets, launching local auctions, including in China and India.

In 2009, the company's roci company recorded surpluses of 684.45 million dollars.

In 2010, according to the company's financial success, the income was 809.84 million, which is 18.31% more, lower in 2009.

The average turnover of the company for 2010 amounted to 9.5 billion dollars, while lots were sold through the platform for the sum of over 53 billion dollars, from which the sale in the USA was folded in the amount of over 20 billion dollars, and in other parts of the world.

A few days ago, the company released its financial results for 2011.

  • In the remaining quarter of the last year, the auction earned $3.38 billion.
  • In 2010, the turnover for the same period was 2.5 billion dollars.
  • As for the cost of net income, in 2011 the turnover increased more, three times lower, and contributed 1.98 billion dollars.
  • Over the course of the year, the income of the web auction grew by 27%, and itself from 9.16 billion to 11.65 billion dollars.
  • The indicator of net cash inflow in 2010 by 79% - from 1.8 billion to 3.23 billion dollars.

The auction of many local philanthropies in the rich countries of the world, prote in Russia for official representation is only planned, although the Russian version of the portal is already working.

What to sell on eBay

Among the items sold at online auctions, deeds were of particular value. For example, the only one in the world McLaren F1 1993 yellow color was sold for 1.7 million dollars. The Diamond Lake Resort, a retailer in Kentucky, was bought for $1.2 million. Here they were selling underwater chauvin clocks in the Other Light War.
Zustrichayutsya and curiosities loti. For example, a vlasny forehead in the likeness of an advertising space, instead of a smite cat, water from a cup of Elvis Presley and wind the skeleton of a mammoth.

Video: Corporations - monsters - Ebay

Be-yak dosit razvinen tekhnologiya v_drіzniti vіd magії.
Clark's 3rd law.

Before eBay is one of the largest IT companies in the world. eBay є (traditional wine at once, obviously, and if eBay has begun, then wine is also unconventional). Yakiy, the first to reach mass success, passed through numerical difficulties.

In the past year, you can hardly see a person, as if you didn’t feel about eBay online auctions - places, you can buy everything that is worth it: from worn T-shirts to exclusive vintage embellishments.

Z ama take the cob in the 1995 year. The very same light by running the first version of the auction online. Vlasnik of the consulting company P'єr Omidyar, having created a unique Internet space for that hour.

About one of the versions, the programmer Omidyar, having succeeded in his retinue, had a very unusual hobby - collecting PEZ dispensers (in other jerseys, there were packagings of s-packs of ice packs, but, in the meantime, it doesn’t matter anymore). The very excitement inspired Omidyar to think about the creation of the Maidanchik, where his squad could exchange knowledge with other collectors. And in the eBay company itself, legends are born, and in 2002, Adam Coen’s book “The Perfect Store” was published, in which the legend was developed, like a dime: it appears, a beautiful story about the capture of the programmer’s friends, vigadav one of the PR-manager more in 1997 roci.

But about a piece of truth in the legend, all the same: the original version of eBay (I'll call AuctionWeb, not eBay) was conceived as a hobby, as it turned into a serious business. The first favor through the auction of the company was given in the first days of work. Some people say that I killed Omidyar by putting up an old evil laser pointer for sale, and the other one insists that it’s a laser printer, that’s a bad thing.

I deposited 13 dollars and 83 cents at the pen's hand.

By the way, the eBay online auction has gained popularity, and with it, new breeders, who are eager to get rid of uncommon speeches. Two years after the first sale, P'er was already marveling in a different way at his suffocation. Vіn virіshiv turn the amateur Internet auction into a full-scale business.

I am interested in the fact that Omidyar himself spent only 30 dollars on eBay. And the number of lots at the end of the first fate already exceeded 1000 per month.

The title of AuctionWeb is known in 1997, it is changed to come home and sound today - eBay. In this rank, Omidyar zmіg tie to a reliable youmu consulting company Echo Bay Technology Group. EchoBay.com, as it turned out, already busy. Vіn lying gold mining company Echo Bay Mines. Tse zmusilo P'era speedily name the site of the Internet auction to eBay.com.

The last auction was secure - eBay.com at that time was the only Maidan, as it did not take commission for the sake of it. Similar projects, as a rule, took from their inputs up to 35% of successfully completed sites.

And just the increase in the number of favors zmusiv Omidyar change your look at eBay. Until then, the young founder did not think seriously about developing an online auction. P'єr ozumіv, scho zmіg to invent and implement more relevant. Having made the decision to put all his efforts into the development of the project, the programmer will come up with principles that will be taken as the basis for eBay:

These three principles are still the main ones in the work of eBay.

Who, for a couple of years in his eBay history, has achieved visible \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bspіhіv and zmіg take a leading position among the few online maidanchiki in the United States. But at the same time, with the transformation into a serious business, P'er ran into serious problems: the project needed a lot of money to run the project. At zv'yazku z tsim Omidyar virishuє cover part of the vitrates, putting on eBay a commission for a successful skin operation.

From quiet pіr on eBay 6% is charged per lot value.

Well, Omidyar realized one more thing: for the further growth and prosperity of this company, a good manager is needed, who is versed in the logic of business processes. Under an hour of poshukіv such people Omidyar turned to navit to the founder of Apple - which in those days would be vilny and vіdkritiy for svіvpratsi. However, Jobs did not dare to accept this proposition, so he turned to his Apple corporation.

Zreshtoy P'єr Omidyar needs to know the people. Їm staє keruyuchy company Hasbro (production of children's toys) - Margaret Whitman. After negotiations, Whitman left the tenant in the "igrish" company and moved to eBay.

І Cіkavo zbіg: with the appearance of the CEO in Omidyar's company, competition will sharply increase on the market of Internet auctions. The great companies at Yahoo and News.com made a big profit and launched their auctions. Before that, they began to actively push through them.

Before Yahoo, for example, introduced a commission of 0% for a successful transaction on its auctions. eBay, at a glance on the price, starting to actively buy up various small auctions around the world. In 1999, the German auction Alandom was sold for 43 million dollars on eBay. Last time I became eBay Germany. Through the purchases of Half.com, which eventually became part of the eBay Marketplace.

In 2001 eBay's rozі z'yavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєtlatin Latinan Latinan market in 2001, ієєєє єєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єєєєєєts' latіts і і 2001, іѕ Lokau, Lokau, "Lokau" auctions. Let's eBay stack for the sake of AOL.

For example, eBay began to check sellers and buyers through the bases of credit bureaus. Such a re-verification increased the confidence of koristuvachiv to eBay. It is especially quiet among those who are traditionally afraid of making purchases through online auctions.

Even more competitive eBay has increased the possibility of a non-prepared payment for purchases (credit cards). The same way, gaining popularity and eBay immediately turned to new respect. The logical completion of the implementation of the unprepared rozrahunka was the purchase of the PayPal payment system in 2002. The cost at that time was 1.5 billion dollars. Bought in 1999 under the name of Billpoint, was closed immediately after the purchase of PayPal.

In such a way, eBay turned into an undisputed leader in the market of Internet auctions in all countries of the world. A lot of powers have been lost, in some cases it is not so. For example, in Japan, the leading positions are constantly dominated by the online auction from Yahoo.

In 2003, there was a lot of luck, for bags like eBay, EachNet, the leader in the Chinese e-commerce market, passed control of eBay. eBay paid $150 million for it.

How to purchase eBay:

  • Indian online auction Baazee.com for $50 million;

  • a fraction of 25% on craigslist.org;

  • shares of "Korean online trading company";

  • project Marktplaats.nl for $225 million.

The last favor, blamed on eBay in that turn - the purchase of rent.com for a record for that hour 415 million dollars, for which the company paid for 30 with its shares.

The beginning of a new round in the history of eBay is the purchase in 2005 of Shopping.com for 635 million dollars, followed by that of Skype, VoIP for 2.6 billion dollars.

In 2006, eBay buys the Swedish Internet auction Tradera.com for $46 million. And also through the river - Afterbuy (a retailer of various software for auctions).

On this day, eBay and earlier utrimuє leading position, why priyaє far away taken a business model. It's easy to do it in a nutshell, it's based on additional support for the Internet auction: on eBay, it's easy to deceive, because it's possible to deprive the seller of the link in the seller's profile.

The project, as implemented by eBay, is presented in more than 20 countries of the planet, including only India and China. You can sell at auctions everything that is worthy of the soul, including objects that are protected by the legislation of the country. For example, in the United States there is a fire pit - in the black list and you can sell it or buy it via the Internet.

For the sake of history, here is a list of the most expensive lots on eBay. In order of increasing price:

  • 1. Golf game with golf legend Tiger Woods ($425,000)

  • 2. Bat that belonged to the famous baseball player Joe Jackson

  • 3. Ferrari Enzo ($975 thousand, March 2005)

  • 4. Tsey resort near the USA, in Western Kentucky, Diamond Lake ($ 1.2 million)

  • 5. Baseball card 1909 rock like Honus Wagner ($1.65 million)

  • 6. McLaren F1 yellow color release 1993 rock ($ 1.7 million) - the only copy in the world

  • 7. Grumman Gulfstream II Variation ($4.9 million)

  • 8. A 340-year-old Shakespeare manuscript (Prince of Tyre), which survived the Great Fire in London in 1666 ($5 million).

And in the list of the largest unimpressive lots in the history of eBay, for example, a cup with excess water, yak, for the vlasnik’s orders, was taken by Elvis Presley in 1977 for a concert in Pivnichniy Carolina (sold for 455 dollars). One more curiosity of eating, if in 2004 a roci cholovik vyrishiv sell a spring outfit to his colossal squad. For which wine, taking a picture of yourself in your cloth and placing a lot on eBay. Although I wanted to earn a penny to buy tickets for the Seattle Marines, but the rates greatly exceeded the original score. The seller himself, for an hour of trading, took off a fair amount of propositions of the hand and heart of his buyers.

In RuNet, the history of eBay began on February 23, 2010. On the whole day at the address http://www.eim.ru.ebay.eu/ becoming available "International Shopping Center eBay" in Russian language. And on March 20, 2012 eBay representative office in Russia was announced. Volodymyr Dolgov, who since 2005 became the head of the Russian representation, became the head of the Russian representation. Tsikavo, scho Dolgov in 2000-2005. already working in the field of online sales - c.

On July 8, 2012, Dolgov announced that the Ebay Internet auction for rozrahunki in Russia will win only the Paypal payment system. And since the withdrawal of funds from Paypal through Russian banks is not available, then Russians cannot trade on Ebay. What, zvichayno Well, duzhe summarily.

That's all from what I want to tell you about the history of Ebay. Yogo is a development on tsoma, insanely, not to bulge. First of all, we will feel a lot of new things about becoming an online auction.

We wish Ebay all the best. Let yoga history last forever. And for all of us - good health, for the sake of history.