Android turns on without sound. Automatically mute sounds and wake up at night. Fully switched Bluetooth

In today's world, a smartphone is an indispensable part of the life of a practically skinny person, which allows you to be on the alert. Sometimes it's just necessary, but it's the th second beating of the medal. Telephone calls, SMS alerts, alerts from various programs can come at any hour and sometimes not at all. In order to regulate all notifications on Android, there is a special function - the "Not turbulent" mode. At this article, you know how to turn off or turn off the "Do not turbulent" mode on your extension.

Yakby phone call on a call, it would be a walk in the park to know yoga. Just ask for a phone number and call for the number, and then everything that you need to work, follow the sound. As you have reached the system, vikoristovuyuchi data, you will see a small frame on the side with a mini-map. Map to accurately designate your location mobile phone, and also give you the opportunity to call you all the way.

Once you know the phone, press the life button to ring. This function also allows you to remotely erase your phone and block it, so you can use it. It is possible that the phone will not be connected to the Internet connection, and you can win the program yourself.

What is the "Not turbuvati" mode on Android?

The silent mode has been in use for a long time already, but if you don’t start the old one, you can’t feel the shards and miss the important call or the reminder. The very same like 2014 fate, after the exit new version operating system Android 5.0 Lollipop appeared on smartphones new function- "Do not turbuvati" mode.

Addendum to reveal inside information and put your phone on silent mode. Then you can follow the sound and know the phone. One, about what you are guilty of, but protect, insert a phrase. Always keep your phrase at the secret. You wouldn't want to throw you out if you were in the middle of a discussion or a serious discussion.

Heads-up upgrades

Let's take a look at the worst scenario - the phone is on duty. At this point, your bavovna can help you. If you install the program, you will be asked to adjust the clap sound and set the sensitivity. You can choose how to call, vibrate and turn on the lights of the program, vikoristovuyuchi nalashtuvannya.

The "Don't turbulence" function gives you the opportunity to especially tune in and choose who and if you can turbulate. The whole regime is more comfortable and more difficult to implement.

With yoga you can help:

  • remove calls only from the subscribers you have chosen
  • turn on the sound at the night time or at the hour of important celebrations
  • turn on all the signals on the extension, the cream of the front-mounted ranking alarm clock, and more

If you have set the “Not turbulent” mode, you can install priority calls and alerts, or you can set the mode to completely quiet when you need it.

Chi є mode "Not turbuvati" in Samsung Galaxy S5?

To know the phone, just splash three times, and in order to get the right level of sensitivity, the phone will ring in silent mode. Therefore, keep an addendum to the secret and do not allow your friends to speak. Htos, like me, can effectively give you hardship. Three programs cover all possible situations, if you need to know your phone number at home or in the office. If you turn on your phone, the only option will be to sit down, relax and get in touch with your memory.

How to turn off the “Do not turbulent” mode on Android

To activate this function, it is not necessary to use the daily satellite programs. Everything is perfected at the gadget's customization.

Who needs:

  1. go to menu
  2. after vodkriti split the "Sound" and "Spoveshchennya"
  3. go to the item "Do not turbuvati"
  4. pull the bail at the bіk "On"

Yak nalashtuvati mode "Do not turbuvati" on Android

At the settings, you can turn off the sound again, turn off only the alarm clock, or set the blame only for important calls. The "Not turbulent" mode has three options:

  1. completely quiet. Do you have any options with the option of SMS notification, call and notification sound signals that vibration does not work. Music, for that number of programs, that video does not play. The alarm clock also does not work
  2. just an alarm clock. Mousy sounds, alarm clock, inactive
  3. less important. You will be a little less selected by you priority calls, SMS notifications and notifications. All other messages will be silent

You can also change the rules for the "Don't turbo" mode. One of them can be silent mode V appointment hour. It’s more convenient, as if you’re busy today, we’re important, or, for example, you want to spend the afternoon break in absolute silence and not call for calls and reminders. You can install as one rule, as well as a series of rules.

Who needs:

  1. go to the "Nalashtuvannya" of the gadget
  2. gave "Sound" and "Intelligence"
  3. mode "Do not turbuvati"
  4. after "Rules"
  5. and "Add the rule"
  6. state your rule (for example, "Obid") and obov'yazkovo set the clock frame
  7. after whom confirm your actions

Bagatyokh fights, if on an important sound, the people of the party give signals of resurrection of the calls. This nuance is the same as the rewards for the “Don’t turbuvati” mode. For whom one rule can be created. To do this, you need to complete all the steps, as in the front instructions, and after the “Add a rule” button, press “Stop until the bottom”, give more detailed customization, yakі you can podlashtuvat pіd ії prіbіbі ta bazhannya.

Yak turn off the mode "Do not turbuvati" on Android

If you don’t want to use the “Don’t turbulence” mode any more, otherwise you don’t like it like a wine, you can turn it on. Vimknennya functions do not take a lot of time and energy.

For whom it is necessary:

  1. go to the menu
  2. gave "Sound" and "Intelligence"
  3. mode "Do not turbuvati"
  4. then it is necessary to pull the leash at the bik "Vimk"

If you have blamed the difficulties of feeding on the “Do not turbulent” mode - write in the comments. We are here to help!

Possibly, you will find out more about those, how you can easily and without much trouble clear the memory of your favorite gadget. You can read about it in our article.

Vіdpovіdі on request

Chi є mode "Not turbuvati" in Samsung Galaxy S5?

Yes. Rozrobniki samsung galaxy S5 renamed the "Not turbulent" mode to "Locking mode". You can also find the VIN in the tinctures of the gadget.

Last time we were sorted out with you, like on a smartphone. Now let's talk about other adjustments: sound and display .

Qi parameters are in paragraph Programs - Settings . Let's take them in order.

Adjusting sound on smartphones

Perebuvayut at nalashtuvannyah, at the point Sound. You can put your profile there No sound. If you need to turn on the sound, check the box next to this option. I then go to the row I will stand You bachite the icon of a crossed microphone.

In addition, you can adjust the vibration. Options for setting up: start, don’t start, at the regime No sound, and not in mode No sound .

You can also adjust the sound on your smartphone: entry weekly, music and video. system sounds, awareness.

At the tuned sound, there is also the tuned melody of the ring and the melody of the message.

Also, in the final item Zvorotniy zv'azok : vibration when pressing keys, Vibration intensity .

You can also turn on the sound when dialing the number and the sound when the screen is pressed.

Adjusting the display on smartphones

At Android smartphones you can also change the display settings. For whom go to Nalashtuvannya, and choose an item Display .

The maximum number of display settings can be found at the point Screen. There you can choose the font style or choose a new one. There is also a great selection of trellises — galleries of ready-made pictures, and interactive trellises.

You can adjust the trellis through the main screen, by pressing the touch display button at the bottom, and by selecting the item Display .

At the fixed screen at the point Programs - Settings - Display - Screen you can also choose a blocking screen, and roztashuvannya year.

Besides, you can fix it Brightness to the screen .

Screen mode - the price of customization propagates three modes: dynamic, standard and style. These options vary among themselves with the clarity and contrast of images.

Auto-rotate screen — The checked option allows you to automatically switch the screen orientation every hour when wrapping the phone.

Animation- ce smooth transitions when switching between victories. Usyi has three variants of animation selection: none. inodі zavzhd.

Screen refresh time - Setting up a stutter in front of the automatic screen wiping, if the daily days are not hovering over the smartphone.

The hour of the match touch buttons - similarly, you can set the hour, if the buttons are lit up, as if with a smartphone, do not disturb anything.

Screen auto-adjustment - An analysis of the ambient lighting is carried out, and the brightness of the screen is obviously improved. The screen at the darkness does not shine so brightly, like a day light. Allows you to save energy.

Horizontal calibration - for the help of this point, you can designate a smartphone layout in a horizontal position.

Calibration of the hydraulic sensor - Allows you to assign speed to the rotation of the smartphone according to the horizon.

The two remaining options are selected for games that are based on the rotation of the smartphone in space.

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